Chapter 1: Bloody Murder. . .

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{??? Pov}

The circus. . .

What do you think of when you hear the word circus?

The clowns?

How they keep little kids up at night

Or is it the fearsome lion?

How the mighty 'king of the jungle' had fallen from its former glory

Or maybe it's the trapeze artists

How they're swinging around the ceiling and in heights that you could only dream of

Or. . . Or maybe it's the illusionist. . .

How they trick the human eye with magic that leaves the mind questioning and the eyes wondering


. . .

That's not what I think of when I hear the word circus. . .

No. . .

What I think of it's. . .

The accident. . .

(Warning: these next scenes depict blood, torture, Gore, rotting corpses, and snakes, if you do not like any of these please move on the next chapter when available)

{3rd pov}

The entire apartment room was stained in red smears and splotches, and a gruesome smell of iron and rot filled the room, making anyone gag

A greenette with emerald eyes laid on a bloody tan couch, eyes wondering the room as he whispered to himself

The teen held a bloody knife in hand, and you could here coughing and gurgling in the hallway

Soon, the greenette got up and staggered towards the sound, barely gripping his knife as the person who was making the sound, screamed in pure horror

The person then backed himself away from the smaller, bloodier body who raised the knife above his head, the blood from the knife dripping down onto the user's green hair and down his face

The greenette then brought the knife down, but as the tip had just barely grazed the other person's forehead, the teen stopped, eyes going back to wondering before his head snapped towards an open room

The teen then staggered back up and headed towards the open room, and a faucet could be heard

As soon as the teen left, the person stumbled onto his feet and limped towards the door across from the hallway, being careful not to make too much noise

The person gripped a bloody wound on his side as he stood in front of the unlocked door, reaching for the handle when he realized something. . .

A hot fill of air on the back of his neck. . .

He slowly turned his head, dread creeping up on him as he stared right into the emerald eyes of his attacker. . .

The greenette slammed the other person into the door before grabbing his brown hair and dragging him towards the room he was just in, ignoring the scratches the person was inflicting on the greenettes wrist

Once they got to the room, the person saw they were in a bathroom, but there was blood everywhere

a rotting corpse was in the far corner, the flesh already a greenish brown as it fell off the bones in chunks and flakes

The person almost gagged as the greenette forced the person against the bathtub, a skull and weird stain in the bottom

The greenette then forced the person's head under the dirty water, the person screaming bloody murder as he looked into the empty eye sockets of the rotting skull, seeing something moving inside

As the person tried to fight the greenettes grip, he saw a small scaly head peak out of the empty eye sockets of the rotting skull, that small head turning into a long slithering Dubois' sea snake

The person fought harder as the snake hissed and opened its mouth wide, showing its razor sharp fangs, the person kicked and screamed, flailing his arms around as he tried his best to fight off the greenette above him

As the person fought, the snake struck, moving fast as it bit the person's face, making the person fight with his last bit of strength, feeling the filthy water fill his lungs

Soon, the greenette, who never blinked once through this, felt the person below him go limp, so he waited a few more minutes before letting go and staggering out of the room and once again laid back on the bloody tan couch, going back to whispering and letting his eyes wonder. . .

(Call your therapist)

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