The beginning of the end

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The sounds of giggles fill the room as I am texting my boyfriend on my new maxi phone 25. I had just got it as an early birthday present as my birthday was just around the corner, I sat on my bed my feet laid straight as I got lost in the conversation me and my boyfriend were having.

"I miss you babe." He said, My face blushed seeing his text.

"I miss you too babe, a lot." I responded, digging my face into the pillow like a school girl talking to her crush for the first time. I remember the pillow almost suffocating me, the fluffy cotton going into my mouth.

"I wish I could be right next to you." He said, My face going reder.

"Totally, I wish for that all the time." I said, as I slowly released my face from the pillow.

The conversation went on, until I could barely keep my eyes open. My tiredness must've went through the phone.

"I have got to go babe, we've both got school in the morning and we wouldn't want you to miss some of your beauty rest." He said, I agreed with him.

"Yeah, I am falling asleep as I am typing this." I say, suddenly he says something and I only open one eye to see what it is.

"I love you to the moon and back. Goodnight babe." Him saying that made my night and as I said it back I felt truly safe like nothing could harm me.

I went to sleep that night with my phone snuggled into my chest, it was almost like he was snuggling into me, If he was smaller and colder. That morning I woke up and did my daily routine for school, I got up made my bed and got dressed and I even checked up on my latest invention. 

It was a computer that could talk, you would type something in and it would talk back to you like a normal human being. It was still a work in progress because there were still a little bit of bugs in the system. I sat down and started a conversation with it.

"Hello Bot 166, How are you feeling this morning?" I typed, I awaited for it's response.

"I am doing good this morning! Is there anything I could help you with?" Bot 166 said out loud, I smiled and starting typing again.

"Good, I was just checking up on you in case the incident happened again." I typed, it paused for a moment.

"I am all good this morning, is there anything else you would like to talk about?" Bot 166 said, I went to type something else when my door burst open, and my little brother Callum came running in with a glass of water.

"Callum?!" I said, standing up.

"Take this bot 166!" He said, going to pour the glass of water on my invention.

I quickly shielded bot 166 and it got me a glass of water to the gut. Callum looked at me, his smile was big but not for very long once he noticed my expression.

"Callum.." I said, and he slowly backed up.

"What is your problem?! Now I am all wet!!" I yelled as he backed away. I stepped closer towards him.

"I went into your room yesterday and I tried to play a game on your stupid computer and it called me ugly and fat!!" Callum said, I looked at him.

"It's not a computer! It's a virtual friend that you're supposed to talk to! He doesn't play games!" I said as Callum shrugged.

"And what did I say about going in my room!?!" I said, that time he didn't say anything he ran for it.

"CALLUM!" I yelled running after him, I ran down the hall and through the kitchen until I came face to face with my mom.

My AI boyfriendМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя