Tophia and Nova

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Tophia is in the bathroom using her rose toy while watching Asian corn as usual. Then she gets a call from her friend Nova. Tophia secretly as a crush on Nova but can never bring herself to tell him. So she answer the phone and Nova says" Hey, would you mind if I came over tonight". Tophia responds with "Sure thing see you then" and hangs up the phone. Tophia screams in excitement. She drops her rose toy and starts to get ready. Tophia puts on her fake lashes and press on nails she got from corner store across the street from the motel 6. Tophia sets up the crusty motel table. She fills the plastic cups with mountain dew she got from the vending machine. And places the 70$ dollars worth of Burger King on the roach infested table.  Then she hears a knock on the door it's Nova. Tophia runs to the door shaking the entire motel. She opens the door and smirks. Nova is looking at Tophia with lust in his eyes. Tophia gestures for Nova to come inside. They sit at the table and Tophia lights a 99 cent candle she got from dollar general. While they drink their room temperature mountain dew. They suddenly hear loud knocks on the door. It's the S.W.A.T team. Someone sent them to the motel. Tophia starts to panic as momchu starts to cough hysterically trying to catch her breath. The S.W.A.T team starts to yell " IF YOU DONT OPEN THE DOOR WE WILL HAVE TO KNOCK IT DOWN". Brotherchu threatens to call is so called friends that are not afraid to use guns to the house, and shoot the S.W.A.T team. Nova gets up and grabs Tophias hand. Nova says "Do you trust me?" Tophia reply with a trembling voice "yes". Nova then charges to the door it's knocks down due to Nova and Tophias weight. They both run to the roof top in a hurry. But the S.W.A.T team catches up to them  cornering them. Tophia looks at Nova with fear in her eyes. Nova says "We have to jump, there is no other option". Before they jump Tophia say "Promise not to drop me" Nova replys saying "Only a fool would drop a girl like you" as dramatic music starts to play they jump. Due to their weight they fall pretty quickly. When they finally hit they ground. Tophia looks around she's surprised she's still alive. But them she remembers Nova she looks around. But no sight of Nova, She gets up then she looks horror. She landed right on Nova. Tophia squished Nova due to her weight. As Tophia crys in agony Nova lies there looking like a animal carpet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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