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I even thought I will really study after that but I found myself fell asleep with my comic book on my head.

I got startled as I immediately checked the time and opps.

It was already late than I expected.

"This is all because we spend many hours at school,studying at home it's a short timing."I thought to myself with an upset face.

Even though I thought I could just study one word I just went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning as I was already prepared for school and like the other days I still used the same transportation as my cousin even though she was annoying.

I couldn't take listening to her insulting me but I just kept quiet since my mom likes her.

When we got to school I didn't want anyone to see me and Vivian together so I just left straight to class showing my name to the guard at the gate while entering.

Just as before the screams of everyone for the boys but I wasn't interested.

I then got to class to find that traitor busy focused on this physics book.

I glared at him as he gave me the side eye.

I just sat down as I began to think hard.

"I'm so totally going to fail this test,especially the fact that I didn't read."I felt so stressed.

Just as I thought everyone was coming to class since the two boys were also coming.

They entered as everyone took their seats.

Something about Felix just didn't seem realistic.

How can he glow so beautifully at every moment.

But who cares about looks when the test is just going to kill me straight away.

I gave a middle finger to the traitor.

Just as I thought the test papers were already prepared and ready to be written.

I began biting my nails In which all I could feel was nervousness and regrets from not studying enough.

I sigh as the paper was right infront of me.

I looked around in which the feeling just felt so cold.

Everyone was focused and very quiet and there was me struggling to even understand the first question.

I looked at Felix who I thought I might just look into his answer sheet but too bad I couldn't see since he was good at hiding.

I just accepted defeat and decided to write anything that comes from my mind.

After the test it was already break and I couldn't even think straight.

The traitor seemed to acknowledge that I didn't look okay.

"Y/N..."He tried to call me but I just passed him looking all blank.

I even took a seat alone in the cafeteria and only took two bites as I thought of going to the library.

"Maybe reading comic books is something I'm only good at."I thought as I didn't find Felix inside this time.

I took out this comic book I've always wanted to read but at the side of my table I noticed something.

"This is the side where I found him reading,does he read all this?"I questioned myself when I saw a huge pile of books.

"Good for him."I saddened as I looked into the comic.

It was already time to go back to class as I went and we learned some new topics in which I tried to focus.

It was school out as I was the first one to walk out of class due to being frustrated from the test.

"Like seriously,I didn't even get a single answer correct,I'm so dumb."I thought as I was walking with my might.

I was already out of the school gate and all I could see was that my transportation for me and Vivi already arrived.

I forgot to even check the side and suddenly I couldn't see this car that was speed driving directly at me.

When I turned to see I froze without thinking.

"So this is how my life ends?"I questioned myself when I thought I was going to die but suddenly I was pushed to the side by someone who seemed to be very strong and fast.

We had fallen to the ground as my eyes were closed due to the unexpected situation.

I slowly opened my eyes to notice myself  in Felix's arms who made eye contact with me.

I felt something different about him and suddenly he pushed me gently out of his arms and got up.

He didn't even say anything but suddenly ran away as everyone who saw what happened felt kinda worried only for Felix.

I got up to notice I was not hurt but a tiny cut was on my knee.

I looked at the car that nearly hit me and it had stopped while I noticed something.

"How did the car get hurt?"I questioned myself but Vivi ran to me.

"You silly girl,you could have died."She began shouting at me as if I planned all this.

"Stop shouting at me already!"I shouted back as she seemed surprisingly speechless.

"I don't even know you,anyways you dare shout back at me then go home by foot."She grabbed my school bag on the ground and threw at me.

"I don't need anything from you,your not special or even pretty at all."I said as I began walking away by foot.

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