Prologue: Plane escape

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The police airplane was just lifting off when suddenly the controls began to glitch and fail as the plane began it's rapid descent towards the city, the man in the back began to laugh despite the chaos ensuing around him, his short red curls framing his face as he continued laughing. 

"You fools! you silly naive fools!" he cried, clapping his hands together rattling the chains around them as the door to the falling plane was thrown open and the seat where the man had been sitting earlier was empty.

 the guards looked around wildly in search of him but there wasn't a single trace to be found of the red haired man.  

a single note with the words 'you flew too close to the fire.' was taped above their heads before the explosion took place engulfing the entire plane in flames as it consumed the passengers killing everyone as it landed on the ground. 

the plane that had been carrying all those people had been reduced to nothing but a smoldering remains of burning metal and glass.

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