Chapter 3

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John and Angel, best friends since the second grade. They decided that it was the perfect day to go and hike in the nearby forest. They arrived at Baker forest. An eerie fog was covering the ground. As they started up their usual trail John saw the creature. He knew it was human, or at least part human. It had a bony spine that seemed too pierce through its back and his eyes were a pulsing blue almost, hypnotizing. The guys stood there scared and unwilling. "What are we gonna do", whispered angel. "Try to back away slowly", John whispered back. They both started moving back slowly, by step. "Oh shit" John yelped as he fell to the floor. The thing then rapidly pointed his head at them, then it leaped.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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