02. hairdresser

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Perfectly snipping someone's personality and giving them another one.
It's your speciality,
Yet you can't treat it with normality.
Your hair's dirty,
Nineteen but look thirty.
How is this your personality?

Behind your hair and appearance,
There lies the pain,
Restless nights,
Stressful days,
The tiresome reality,
But also the young girl,
The girl who loved picket fences,
And perfect afternoons,
Was interested in her senses,
Loved going to bookstores and collecting balloons,

Couldn't help but in her own company escape to another world whilst reading her favourite book and having her pink headphones with high volume playing the best tunes,
Taking the district line train,
It would go all round town,
She had it all,

Had the best life before it all came crashing down,
Being a hairdresser,
Everyone else looks so polished and sophisticated,
It forces you to make yourself isolated and obligated to feel humiliated.

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