Part I:II- Down on the Farm part 1

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After a couple of minutes you arrive at a large farm, a barn in view, another thing that lies in view is another shotgun, that will do perfectly...

Nearby the entrance to the farm, over by a few hay bales, a small group of Mages surround a mysterious look's strange it looks...enticing...

After moving from bale to bald, you slide into the group, shotguns raised as your body absorbs the rune- you feel a burst of power in your body as the runes energy powers through you, just as this happens, a small army of mages seemingly teleport in out of nowhere.

You open fire on them- discovering that your weapons fire rate has increased go crazy on them, shooting mages, black phillips and leathernecks in the face, blood spraying everywhere...after a few minutes, you feel the energy from the rune completely dissipate from your body...everything is grunt with satisfaction as you move towards a nearby abandoned farmhouse- perhaps you could find someone there who could help...


A gunshot rings out as the farmhouse door swings open as a farmer with a shotgun in hand stumbles out backwards, his chest was completely covered in blood and bone as he shot back into his farmhouse...


Before he could finish his sentence, a second bang is heard as his head completely exploded- chunks of gore and blood sprayed everywhere like a gore filled piñ wipe the blood from your eyes as you look up to see what caused this man's death...

Standing in the darkened entrance to the house was a tall figure, they slowly stepped onto the porch...It was a large scarecrow figure with a tattered jacket and pants, it's straw face was contorted into a malicious and evil smile as it laughed in a shrill tone that sent shivers down your spine...

...your eyes widen as you see that he wielded a double barrel shotgun...NOT GOOD!

You quickly dodged out of the way of its starting blast as you pull out your own lever action and open fire at knock it back slightly but it still stands...after firing what felt like for ages, you finally hit it in its eldritch chest as it burst into a pile of straw, blood and rags... crack your neck as you sigh, as you walk towards the man's body...finding a few more notes...perhaps he was the one writing these or maybe he was just collecting them for his own sake...


I have no idea how he managed to animate scarecrows into living creatures but he did...they're tough bastards, armed with a damn double barrel shotgun...suppose it's like a prize when you eventually kill the thing...keep your distance and fire from's lucky these things aren't so fast...

But the other note catches your attention, on it was a drawing of what looked like an old rifle, with a large magazine and a picture of a large bit of ammo...

The Riveter

Pa made his own high explosive weapon in case anything was to happen...knowing that damn cult leader I won't be surprised if something does happen...

The Riveter uses rivets, high explosive bolt ammo which he has manufactured in collaboration with the army so they can try and seal off the town from those things...

His first one he keeps hidden alongside some ammunition and gold in a secret chamber in the maze...but like hell am I gonna find it...

A high explosive weapon? Seal the town? Cult leader?! This is too much to handle in sigh as you take the words turn your head to see that the 'scarecrow' had dropped its double barrel shotgun...perfect.

He loads two shells into the gun as he turns to the aforementioned maze...above the entrance is a grizzled sight-

A man in what appeared to be a soldier's uniform and gas mask, hanging upside down from a signpost, his stomach was completely open as his intestines and other organs hung out as blood poured like a hellish waterfall...above the body on this signpost was a word written in blood...


Sinner? What happened to this soldier to get him killed in such a brutal way? You wonder if it's wise to even need to keep going...

Shotgun in hand he entered this hellish maze...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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