Car Ride

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A/N: Free Palestine!

For those who don't know there is a genocide going on in Gaza, if you're able to please sign a petition to stop the genocide or donate to charities who are helping the people of Gaza. ❤️

The sky above was cloudy and the sun was setting, it was time for kids to go to sleep, but 3 children were staying up.

"Can you see dad Michael?" A young girl asked her older brother.

A boy on his top toes was looking outside a window.

"Not yet Elizabeth." He responded, eyes fixated on the outside world.

"When is he coming back? And why did those people in blue clothes take him away?" She asked, just wanting her father to come home already.

"I don't know! So stop asking me!" He said, sounding as if she's asked those questions a hundred times before.

A small boy was sitting tiredly on a couch, he was holding the arm of a stuffed bear toy in one of his hands. He looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Norman should be sleeping in bed right now." Elizabeth said, stating the obvious.

"I know but what do you want me to do about it?!" He said sounding mad.

Just because he was the oldest, doesn't mean he knows what to do, after all he was only 8.

His eyes all of a sudden lit up.

"I see a car!" He announced loudly, jolting the youngest of the 3 fully awake, and causing Elizabeth to smile.

"It must be dad!" She said happily.

"I'll go open the door for him!" Michael said as he went off to get the key.

He soon arrived at the front door, key in hand, and unlocked it. He opened the door and his face turned into one of surprise.

It wasn't his dad, instead it was a woman in a coat. He recognised her though.

"Auntie?" He said confused.

He was disappointed that it wasn't his father, but it had been a long time since he had seen his aunt. It was nice to see her again.

She smiled at him, then crouched to his level.

"Hello Michael, your dad has gone away for work reasons. He's going to be gone for a while so he asked me to take you guys back to my house so I can take care of you." She told him.

Michael seemed stunned. This was so sudden, why hadn't his father told him?

"Can you get ready yourself? Or do you need me to help you?" She inquired.

He seemed a bit surprised by her question.

"Do we need to leave now?" He asked her.

"Well it doesn't have to be right now, but the sooner the better." She explained.

Everything was happening so fast.

"Oh ok... Let me just tell the others." He said before leaving.

Why did their dad have to suddenly leave? If he didn't, Michael and his siblings would all be in their beds sleeping peacefully.

Michael soon returned with his siblings, Elizabeth seemed to have a look of disappointment on her face, and the youngest was barely keeping himself awake.

"Auntie, did dad say when he was coming back?" Elizabeth asked her.

Her aunt shook her head.

"I'm afraid not sweetie, but you all get to spend time with me." She said in a warm voice, trying to cheer her up.

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