Chapter 7: Pay Attention to the Pregnant Girl.

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* Harry's point of view*

Zayn has a twin brother? How have we not known about him?

He's told us everything about himself and his life, I just find this a little strange.

I wonder why he couldn't tell us, Maybe the guy was bad or something.

I don't know, I just find this whole thing a tad fishy.

* Louis' Point of view *

Well, First Alyssa is pregnant.

Then Zayn rapes her.

Now we find out Zayn has a twin brother called James.

And after 4 years of knowing him, We didn't know.

I'm a little hurt, Aren't we good enough to know about 'James' ?

I know that Zayn has been a little quiet and always had little secrets, but this is way too much.

I should talk with the rest of the lads and see what they think.

* Liam's point of view*

So it wasn't Zayn that raped her?

it was his twin brother that we all just found out about.

If its true, why did Zayn look so uneasy and soon after telling us, he grabbed Perrie and drove off.

I don't think he will be coming home tonight.

I never knew about James. Zayn or his parents have never told us.

Apparently no one knew, Not even Perrie. Strange.

Maybe I should call him and apologise, I guess that I over- reacted a bit.

I feel terrible.

* Niall's point of view *

So Zayn has a twin brother called James. Big whoop!

What about Alyssa??


After Zayn left the restaurant, We all went back to Liam's flat. well everyone but Zayn.

I was furious. How dare they. Alyssa is pregnant and all they care about is this James kid.

No one even paid attention to Alyssa, Regardless of the whimpers that escaped her mouth every now and then. Each time it happened I would look over to find her holding her stomach. No one realized. They were to caught up in there conversation.

After an hour of this, I got pissed off. I walked over to Alyssa and helped her up.

" We're going." I grumbled.

"Why? We should all be here to talk about what's happen."Harry said.

"Yeah, We'll when everyone starts paying more attention to Alyssa and her little problem, Then we'll be a part of it. "

I stormed out of the room, Alyssa following my foot steps to my car.

It was silent for most of the ride. I decided to break the ice.

" How do you feel?"

She gave a small laugh.

" How do you expect me to feel? I accused Zayn of raping me when it wasnt even him, it was his twin brother. No one paid attention to me when we were there, Including Dani. I have a baby inside of me. I'm only 17! How the fuck am I supposed to feel?"

She was practically yelling at me even though I was sitting no further than 30 centimeters away from her.

" I understand Liss. "

She snorted.

" You will never know." Her words were like daggers.

There was another silence.

" Are you really keeping it?"

She sighed.

" I don't know Ni, I guess I don't really know what I want anymore. What do you think I should do?"

" Tell your mum."

" And what do you think will happen ? She will tell me to get rid of it. I don't want to kill a baby Niall."

" It's not really a baby now, it's like a peanut. "

" I don't care, It is still a baby in my eyes. "

" Well, I reckon you should at least think about the future. C'mon, It's a baby for crying out loud. Imagine the pain and frustration you'll have to go through. and you're single. You can't do this by yourself. "

She looked a little hurt.

" I want to keep it. "

" And if you don't tell your mum, Who will support you?"

" I have a person in mind." She glanced out the window, Ending the conversation.

The rest of the night we ate food and played the playstation and watched love movies, mainly Titanic over and over again. Gay, I know. Wasn't my choice though..

We cuddled on the couch. This was perfect. I loved having her in my arms. Cheesy, I know. But oh so true.

When the naughty scene came on, I heard her giggle.

" Really? Your giggling cause they're about to have sex? "

She giggled again, then looked at me shyly.

"No, It just makes me think about what happened earlier today. "

" Ohhh." I winked at her and she laughed.

I gently brushed the hair out of her eye. She snuggled into me more and closed her eyes.  

" Did you enjoy it?" I asked after a while.

She didn't say anything.

" Alyssa, Honey. I'm sorry about what happened. I couldn't control myself. I love you Alyssa. I have from the moment I met you. I want you more than anything in this world. Please, Just tell me how you feel."

My only response was little snores coming from Alyssa.

She fell asleep. Well, She did fall asleep in my arms. That's a plus. but I still don't know how she felt about what happened. And I don't know what she would of said to that.

I chuckled to myself. I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

" Goodnight, My princess."


Hey guys, I've decided to slow the events down a bit, Things will still happen but not as fast.

Also, I won't upload much the net 10 days because I will be in Queensland.

For people who don't know, It's in Australia :P

I will still try though, So don't give up on me!

Vote, Read, Comment, Follow <3

Taylah xxxxxx

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