Challenge Accepted

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"Ughhhhh...hhhh." You groan as you walk through the hall way almost to the classroom door. 'I'm dying this is so frigging heavy why so many books? I thought all we were going to do in this class was talk to pro heroes and read one or two history books. Not the whole library!' You thought reaching for the door nob. You turned it and flew into the room. "Speak of the devil!" The old wrinkly teacher said. You never liked her. Anyways, getting off of the guy you just fell onto you nervously laughed and said, "Sorry Mrs. Wagner! My books are every heavy. But of course you don't care your old and hard of hearing so why am I still talking like you hear me haha." You looked up at your teacher, who is still in the same position that she was before you entered the room, her pointy stick thing pointing  at some cursive scribbles about heros written in blue Expo marker on the white board. She cleared her throat, and like I have one to many times, you didn't get the obvious signal to sit down in your seat. With a moment of unable-to read-the-room-ness, you finally got the very obvious notion to sit down. Therefore you awkwardly, and I mean very awkwardly, did a little run-jump-hop-jog-tiptoe-run to your set in the somewhat front of the class. Mrs.Wagner cleared her throat once more and continued on with the lesson. 

"Okay class, class dismissed!" Mrs.Wagner said. You, like everyone ran out of the classroom in a not so professional manner, but what set you apart was your trying-so hard-ness and attempts to blind in also your awkwardly looking manner of scrambling out the door, and what definitely set you apart from the herd of hungry collage students was the words that came out of Mrs.Wagner's wrinkled lips when she spotted your failed attempts to blind in. "Ms.Bagel! I wasn't talking about you when I said class dismissed." 'Oh crap.' You thought. "Heh! I know..." you said awkwardly. I mean why wouldn't you say that awkwardly this is an awkward situation and your a very awkward introvert who reads Wattpad stories at 2am about Shoto Todoroki making out with you and Harry Styles giving you "special" attention. Haha anyways. "How in the world are you able to get outstanding grades when your late for everything?" "I don't know I guess I'm just talented?" You said with a proud smile. Mrs.Wagner sighed and said, "Y/n, you are an amazing student. Your smart? Why, yes you are, but with this kind of major you have to be more than smart, you have to be, brave, passionate, bold, and strong. And believe me when I say you are these things. But everything you do in this class feels empty and halfhearted and I need more of those things  from you, and sure you have the potential but your not putting in any work or effort. I need more from you to move you to the next level, I need more from you so I can even give you your PhD. So  I am giving you a project. If you can complete this project and show me you do have what it takes to be in this department with passion and determination, then and only then I can move you up to your next set of classes in this major. Got it?" Your face turned a little more serious. "Okay, Mrs.Wagner, challenge accepted!" "Good! I will email you the details of the assignment later this evening, now go and eat some lunch it's been a long day so far." Then with that you ran out of the door with your books almost falling out of your arms with a little bit of excitement.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

~THE CHAOS OF THE TODOROKIS~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें