
17 0 3

Noris rushes through the marble halls. Beautiful statues adorn the long hall, but on this dark night, they loom over her. There's something, someone, in this mansion. Her hands begin to sweat from bunching up her dark green dress too long. Her black hair swishes and her storm-grey eyes have nothing to reflect off of, making them darker than usual. She pushes through the tall black doors into another hallway. The wind whistles against the stained glass windows, the moon's light seeping through and casting colors over the floor. Slowly Noris stops. A familiar figure of a boy a month younger than her, with the spring hazel eyes and chestnut-brown hair that she remembers. He's wearing a formal suit and a necklace that she specifically chose. She slowly walks toward him until they're a foot apart. 

He reaches out a gloved hand. 

"Care to dance?" 

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