chapter one - the truce

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"A truce." Nightmare declared, bluntly.
This must have caught Dream off guard as he stared at the other blankly. The timing wasn't great, they could all agree on that. Although there was no other time the two teams would cross paths other than battle. Dream kept silent, with confusion, expecting this to be some ruse to catch them off guard.
Nightmare sensed this and he added onto his previous statement.
"I mean it. This fighting is getting boring." He admitted. Nightmare had always found their fights to be a waste of time. What was he supposed to gain from it?
Dream shook his skull, as if to shake away any lingering confusion. After all, this has been something he's been hoping would happen for years now.
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" He asked, warily, yet still holding out hope for it to be the truth.

"..." Nightmare looked at dream, he really didn't want to repeat his white flag. But, he obliged. "Yes, I mean it, Dream."


Dream sat down, still faithful in Nightmare yet weary. He'd managed to convince nightmare that it was necessary for them to move locations. Now, sat in an interrogation room, Dream and nightmare watched the other from across the cold metal table. The rest of their respective teams were waiting in a side room, Dream had hoped that the two teams being kept in the same room would keep them in check and prevent fights.

"Is this really necessary?" Nightmare groaned, almost regretting his decision already.
"Of course it is!" Dream scoffed, hardly believing it was a genuine question. "I accept the truce, however I don't trust you yet."
"What do you want me to do about that??" Nightmare grew more and more pissed off the longer he sat there.
"That's the thing, I'm not sure. I think I have an idea though.." He thought about this for a moment before he stood up and excused himself, walking out the door.

He wasn't gone for long, as he shortly returned holding Swap's arm in one hand and a bracelet looking-thing in the other. Swap looks just as confused as Nightmare, the two exchanged odd looks as they tried to guess what Dream had in mind. They weren't left guessing for long as Dream moved Swap's arm to be right next to Nightmare's. The bracelet looking-thing was then clipped onto their wrists, locking them together. This sudden action caused both Swap and Nightmare to pull away from eachother, but to no avail. Swap's right wrist and nightmare's left wrist were stuck together, like handcuffs. But, not like ordinary handcuffs as Nightmare couldn't shapeshift his hand to slither out of it, almost like a magical aura was keeping him in check.

"What the fuck!?" Nightmare exclaimed, standing up abruptly

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"What the fuck!?" Nightmare exclaimed, standing up abruptly. Swap shared a similar look of confusion, the two looked at Dream, awaiting a good explanation.
"Well.. I was thinking of ways to know if I could trust you. And who's better than Swap to keep an eye socket on you until we know you're not going to be a threat?" Dream proudly announced, having not considered Swap's opinion on this.
"Dream." Swap stared at him. "With all due respect - no offense, Nightmare - why me??" He questioned, struggling to word his thoughts correctly without seeming harsh.
"None taken, I'm with you on this." Nightmare agreed. "Dream you can't just cuff Swap and I together and expect it to be fine!" He growled, failing to understand how Dream could've possibly come to this conclusion.

"Whoa, hey hey!" Dream raised his arms defensively. "I've made my decision. It's only until you prove yourself trustworthy." Dream stood his ground, ending the conversation before any more objections could be thrown.
"Swap, head home. You have the rest of today off." He announced, summoning a yellow door In front of swap in order to lead him back to UnderSwap.
"Wait!" Nightmare grabbed Dream's attention. ".. what's going to happen with my boys?" He asked, seriously. He'd hate if they had to face the same fate as him - it would drive them crazy within seconds.
Dream sighed lightly. "I will find a home for them, however they will be under surveillance in case they attempt anything too." Dream finished before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.
Nightmare sighed with relief, almost forgetting the situation he was in.

Swap stood, shifting his weight on to his other foot, unsure if he's supposed to say something now. Nightmare caught on to this after the few moments stuck in his thoughts.
Nightmare nudged Swap, silently suggesting that they go through the portal (door). Swap stared at Nightmare, although Swap didn't necessarily fear Nightmare, he's still extremely weary of him. Nightmare could sense this, so he chose to act carefully around Swap. The last thing they need is to hate who they're stuck with.
After a moment of exchanged looks, Swap finally moved forward. He opened the door with his free hand and walked through, Nightmare following close behind.


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