1. Int. River's Bedroom - Morning

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Opening camera shot pans in one River Lucrece' bedroom to show her lying under a thick blanket, still asleep. She has light brunette hair and ocean blue eyes.

(Light snore)

Someone new, Stacy "Stace" Baker, a servant girl with darker brown hair and green eyes, walks into the bedroom, approaching the bed.

Hey, get up.

With a shake and no response from the sleeping River, Stace rolls her eyes, shaking harder.

Hey, I said get up! Your tailor wants to see you!


Waking up slowly, River opens her eyes and looks up at Stace.

Oh, Stace... You're here? What is it?

Sitting up tiredly, River rubs her tired eyes with a yawn.

Your tailor needs to see you! She wants to get your party wear situated...

Oh, yeah? Geez, why such a rush?

Because I've already had enough crap for being late to my duties the past week, and now that I'm your lady-in-waiting officially, pressure is mounting! So let's go! Up and at 'em!

With a wave of her arms signaling River to get up, Stace has a look of urgency.

(Nods, still a bit tired)
Okay, okay. I miss when you were nicer.

Saying this, River flips the cover off of herself and stands, nightgown and all.

The two girls of the same age walk over to the partition and Stace begins helping her dress, a duty of her's.

Camera fades to black.

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