39. Ext. Top of the Central Tower - Evening

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Camera cuts to the door leading to the top, showing it burst open as Elias and his guard friend come out of it.

It then cuts to show Haden standing by the round edge where a stone parapet allows one to keep from falling while looking out over the city.

You've come. I figured you would.

He turns to face the two of them.

Ah, and you've brought a traitor with you. How lovely.

No, I've brought an ally with me. You are the usurper who must face the music.

Haden chuckles.

You are Elias Homings, yes?

Elias is surprised to hear him say his name.

He removes his helmet and throws it to the roof.

So, you know of me?

But of course. River told me about her brief meeting with you.

Haden puts his hands out to either side as he stands with the orange sunlight shining on him from his back.

(Ominous laugh)
It truly is ironic that a man with your reputation calls me the usurper. Your father attempted the same according to River.

He did. But I am not him.

And that's just what someone truly lost would say. You could turn out like him any day now. Which is even funnier to me.

He laughs at this remark.

You really want to die that badly, hm?

Oh? Why, of course not. I won't be the one dying today.

Haden unsheathes his own blade, which he had gotten from the guards after he gathered them prior.

Come. Let us dine in hell, together.

Haden rushes them both, swinging his sword and Elias blocking it. The guard then swings and Haden blocks, countering and stabbing him through the stomach.


The guard falls as Haden pulls his sword out.


Elias attacks Haden, and Haden steps back, causing him to miss.

You'll have to try harder than that!

Haden smiles devilishly and goes for the attack, slashing at Elias who blocks it, their swords gliding against one another.

Elias attacks and Haden blocks, the same happening. Haden tries to attack Elias' leg and Elias lifts his leg out of the way, going for Haden's head, who moves out of the way and causes him to miss.

Both men backing away from one another, Haden and Elias both seem to be breathing a tad heavily.

I have to admit, you're better than I expected...

I must admit the same for you, fallen noble...

The two circle each other in a standoff, for a moment neither attacking the other.

Finally it breaks as with renewed energy, Haden charges Elias frantically, slashing his leg.


Haden slashes again, and Elias blocks it the second time around.

(Maniacal laughter)
What, is it too much for you to take?!

With more laughter he slashes again, and Elias gets cut on the right side, but not too bad as he managed to move just enough to not get torn asunder.

As Haden goes for another attack, Elias blocks it and holds his sword at bay rather than deflecting.

No! It's... Not!

He kicks Haden with his bleeding leg, knocking him back and holding his sword up, bringing it down onto Haden's shoulder in such a way that it gets stuck in him.

As Haden's sword arm is debilitated, he falls to his knees in agony. He almost falls over afterwards, but Elias grabs his sword's hilt, which holds Haden on his knees.

Are there any final words...?

Haden, in immense pain, looks up at Elias.

(Pained cough)
No... Nothing I would ever share with a bastard like you...

Elias, looking at Haden's hateful expression, pulls the sword from his shoulder and slashes him through the neck, decapitating him. His head falls to the ground, now with a blank face, and his body follows.

Camera pans in an overhead shot as the sun lowers even further and it gets dimmer on the tower. It fades to black as it pans out a decent distance, showing Elias standing over Haden's remains from behind.

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