A Pattern

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Ash was constantly finding a new ways, to regain her energy and feel herself, because she went through a lot, the one essential part of her life was to find love because she couldn't trust herself more, so she decided to get along on a new journey with her friends being the support masters of her destination, but let me warn you, the road had many stumbling parts.

'' I really can't get along well'', she said to her friends

''C'mon, life is a fun journey'', they all replied.

weeks passed into months, and instead of getting any better, she fell into the trap of bad company and realized that it was not, what she was searching for''.

life indeed seems easy but is not, she got love from so many people but they all let her down, used instead.

so, practically feminism came to an end, she decided to let go off her feelings and stayed isolated for a while to rethink on her life.

she started confessing to pages, what once felt like a mere trash.

she began exploring her bibliophilic journey, and gradually, with a real touch of constant self-glooming, she came to fun part or rather a better part which was, 'finding her way back to the last call''

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