Chapter 2

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Hello everyone! I'm finally back with Chapter 2 of The Prophesied Hero. Sorry it took a while, I did a lot of procrastinating and our exams came up last April so I lost more time. But anyways I finally got back to this so without further ado, let's get right to Chapter 2!

Chapter 2: What are friends for?

"Is this really a good idea, Satsuki?"

Seeing Satsuki attempt techniques from scrolls that she, "borrowed", as she so eloquently put it, from her clan's library kind of unnerved him. Knowing how reckless his best friend can be.

'Best friend huh? If you told me that a few months ago, I'd never have believed you.'

It's already been a few months since he met Satsuki, and damn were those the best few months he's had in a long long while.

They only grew closer as the days went by, and, surprisingly, it was Satsuki who was mostly responsible for any kind of mischief they get themselves into. Their current situation, was no exception.

"Oh come on Naruto, don't be such a stick in the mud. It's fine! Especially since you have me!"

As she puffs her chest in pride, he can't help but stare at hear in a deadpan manner. Clearly not believing what just came out of her mouth.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see you covered in soot and dust once this backfires on you."

"Oh, well if you're gonna be such a meanie, then I guess that means you don't want the scroll about Wind Affinity exercises and techniques that I managed to get my hands on."

His ear twitched as she caught his attention. After getting their chubby little hands on some chakra paper that Satsuki totally did not "borrow", he managed to find out that he had a Wind Chakra Nature Affinity, the rarest one in Konoha. While Satsuki had a Major Lightning affinity, and a Minor Affinity for Fire Style, which of course Satsuki didn't forget to brag to his face about.

That was another thing about Satsuki. She wouldn't be caught dead acting around like this with other people. She only acted like this when it was just him that was around. And while he normally would be flattered, she's shunning other people off, and basically have no other people to socialize with besides those from her clan, and him. He tried talking her out of it, but all he got from her was an "I'll try.". Surprise Surprise, she didn't.

"Wind Manipulation, you say?"

"Nuh uh, you were being mean. I won't share them to you till you apologize on your hands and knees to the great Satsuki-sama!"

A pindrop could be heard as all Satsuki got from him was a blank stare.

"Tch, fine. You can have your wind manipulation scroll you big baby."

As a smile form on his face, he can't help but relish in the comfort of their friendly banter.

"Hey Satsuki,"


"You're a great friend you know?"

"Hn, didn't I tell you to stop being a big baby?"

"Shut up, you're ruining the moment."

As they share a laugh, or a small chuckle in his case, he vows to himself to always protect this bond that they have right now. For he can't help but think how he'll survive without it.

"You know, it's only a matter of time before your family begins to question you on where you disappear to most of the times." I say to my bestfriend, as she plops down on my couch for what seemed like the third time that week.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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