The First Love

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The next day I vanished quickly, before he could awake and stop me. We had another rehearsal today and I didn't want him to cause another scene. Raoul was a kind soul and didn't deserve that type of torture. I felt horrible for him, he was my first love; and I thought he would be my last.

But oh have plans changed. I ran through the corridors quickly, afraid of turning a dark corner and him standing there in front of me; and the repercussions of my actions. Reaching the theatre I ran into someone, knocking me to the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Forgive me," the man said. I recognized his voice and looked up.

"Raoul," I whispered. His hand slipped into mine, pulling me off the ground, swiftly. "Pardon me." I walked forward, towards the door of the Opera.

"Can we speak? Please, Christine," he said with his hand extended towards me.

"I can't be seen speaking with you," I said, looking around to make sure he wasn't lurking in the shadows.

"Are you frightened by him?" he asked, his hand on my arm. "Come, stay with me. Leave this place and forget about your captor." I shook my head.

"He would kill us both, Raoul. I mustn't leave him. And for your own sake I wish you to not talk to me any longer," I said pushing past him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the shadows.

"If he hurts you I swear..." he said tracing my face,"I will kill him."

"Raoul, please, no. Leave me be for he will kill you if h-" His hands cupped my face as his lips pressed against mine. My hand went to his chest to push him away, but my heart didn't follow my brain. This confused me more than even before as he kissed me passionately. His hands slid up and down my body as he kissed my neck, leaving traces of his hot breath on my skin. "S-Stop, please. This isn't right."

"No, this is perfect. Y-You are perfect. Please Christine, I need you," Raoul said quietly, placing his hands on my waist. His breath was on my neck again.

"He will kill you," I muttered, breathlessly. I was enjoying this special attention of course, but the Phantom could never know. I didn't know what happened to the words I spoke the night before. Maybe I needed the good in my life that Raoul provided. Erik was full of demons, he had killed before. But even if those words I spoke before where true, I could not deny that part of me didn't trust Erik, but ever fiber of my being trusted Raoul. I started to believe that I just chose Erik because I felt sorry for him, something that he's been afraid of this entire time. Erik had done so many bad things, while in comparison Raoul was as pure as snow; night and day. I don't know why I cared about him so much, maybe out of pity. "Raoul..." He kissed my collarbone softly, my hands grasped in his hair.

"How could you?" I heard a voice say. I quickly moved away from Raoul and saw him standing there, in the light. Tears streamed down his face as he stepped closer. "I gave you everything... Life, money-"

"What about freedom?" I said, stepping closer also. "I want to be able to leave this place, to do as I please!"

"That is how I have felt for my entire life! I have never had freedom. I have been sulking in the shadows my entire life. Being afraid of everyone, every move I made had to been hidden. At least you wouldn't be alone like I was!"


"Was everything you said to me a lie?" he asked.

"Of course not," I said quietly.

"Why else would you betray me?"

"He's pure of heart," I said.

"Pure of heart!" he said laughing. Quickly he slammed Raoul against the wall, making a loud bang as paintings fell from their stops on the wall. People from the theatre came out to see what was happening. "How dare you!" he said, beating him against the wall with every word.

"Erik, please," I said, grabbing his arm. He jerked his hand, slapping me hard across the face, making me fall to the ground. Meg ran to my side and rushed me away from Raoul and the phantom. We ran to the back of the stage where I collapsed. I knew that Raoul could be dead by now, and my fate was soon to arrive.

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