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Corrin was unsure how long he had waited by Mason's body, attempting to process the fact that his... friend(? He was not necessarily friends with Mason, and only really knew him through Jared. But that did not change the fact that he did not deserve to die) was dead.

It was only when he took a moment to think that he decided to get up and start walking down the beach. He needed to see if there was a way off the island. Corrin looked around, taking note of an odd, hollowed out tree, which had long since collapsed to the ground. That was, sadly, the only thing that even looked slightly interesting. Everything else was trees and ocean and trees and ocean and trees and ocean. It felt like he was not even walking.

His walk ended up being useless, as he came full circle, right back to Mason's corpse.

Not quite ready to face that yet, Corrin turned and walked into the tropics. The further in he got, the quieter the sounds of the ocean became, and he, for once, was happy to not hear the sound of the waves on the shore. Instead, he found himself comforted by the sound of leaves and branches cracking under his bare feet, the ground slightly damp, which caused some leaves to stick to him.

At some point, he had gotten to the other side of the island through the forest, taking note of a bag hanging from a branch and an ice chest sitting near it. Both looked to be fairly weathered, covered in dirt and grime from being left for god knows how long.

Corrin walked up slowly, looking around to see if there were any signs of living people. "Hello?" There was no response, causing him to sigh in disappointment. Well, there was no use moping if he wanted to survive.

He grabbed the bag, pulling one of the straps off the tree it was hanging from and looking through the contents. There was a dirty towel on top of everything, and he had to dig his hand around it in hopes of finding anything else. He eventually grabbed onto something, a pill bottle. The bottle still had a fair amount of pills and had "Fluphenazine" and "Williams, Ellie" written on it. He looked around once more, seeing no one, and put the bag's strap back on the tree.

Corrin then knelt down to open the cooler, finding quite a bit of dirt inside along with several unopened glass bottles of coke. After seeing that there was nothing else inside, he put the lid back on, moving to the next thing he saw.

On the ground there was a thermos and a small box. Then he opened the thermos, sniffing it and gagging slightly before putting it down a good distance away from him. He then moved on to the box, opening it after a brief moment of struggling. Inside there were small trinkets, a deck of playing cards, and a pack of matches. He was ecstatic when he opened the little pack to see that they seemed to still be usable.

Corrin took another look around, noticing what seemed to be some sort of cloth sticking out from under the ground. He moved to get up, walking towards it and grabbing two different parts before yanking it up. It seemed to be the remains of an old tarp, tattered and ripped. Then, he noticed a small backpack that had been hidden under it.

He was happy to find that the zipper still worked fine, immediately rummaging through the contents. There was an old book reading "Scary Campfire Stories" (he would have enjoyed that had he not already been scared of his current situation), a filthy old stuffed bear, a broken Game Boy, and an old, broken down camera.

Corrin was suddenly drawn away from the bag by the sound of something thumping against wood. He sat for a moment, looking around to see if he could catch whatever had made the noise.

After several moments, he heard it again, causing him to move out of the forest and towards the old, hallowed fallen tree. The thumping continued, and Corrin grew slower as he approached cautiously. He took a few deep breaths, then crouched down to see the inside of the log.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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