Chapter 6

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After Fry did her little show and tell with the device thingy she walked off to her ship she found, and John followed shortly after. I watched them leave, unsure if I could really trust her like Riddick said we could. I stood off to the side as Riddick went to go shave.

Matts arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulder. "Not afraid of the dark are you?"

I looked over at him and smirked. "Not a chance, though you should be." With that I shoved him off and went to go find out what Fry was up to. I was about to hop down onto the ship when I saw Riddick walk in and corner her. I slightly tilted my head deciding to watch what he did.

He looked over at her as she turned around in the chair. "Looks like were a few shy... power cells." He slowly walked close to her while tilting his head. "It's strange not doing a run-up on the main drive yet. Unless..."

That was my cue to come out of hiding. I crept out of the shadows. "Unless you've heard of the stories on how we tend to escape."

Fry looked between the both of us and she walked over to a lever. "I got the quick and ugly version of both."

I softly giggled. "Now your worried about a repeat of history?"

Fry raised her head. "It has entered our minds."

Riddick suddenly stepped close to her. "That's not what she asked."

Fry cleared her throat. "You scare me Riddick, That's what you want to hear isn't it?" Then she turned around. "Now can I just get back to work?"

Riddick smirked, "I've been meaning to catch you alone. Unrestrained.. Do you think the two cops are Do Right Men? Think I can trust them to let us loose?"

Fry suddenly froze. "Why? What have you heard?"

I walked around to where my brother was standing. "Well, if it was trickeration, they'd just X us out huh?" They'd kill us. But then again... We're both worth twice as much alive, if not more than that when brought in together."

Riddick leaned forward closer to Fry's ear. "You didn't know that? Your cops aren't cops. They have the nickel slick badge, the blue uniform, but they're just mercs. Me and Furiya are just paydays."

I twirled a knife around. "That's why they won't kill us."

Fry slightly growled and stepped away raising her voice. "Don't waste my time. We're not gonna turn on each other no matter how hard you try."

Time Skip

The curly haired chick spoke up as everyone stared at the planet rising so close you could see the rings circling it. "If we need anything from the crash site better move now. The sand cart is solar powered."

With that everyone piled onto the sand cart as she started it up. I had meant to avoid sitting next to Tombs but somehow I ended up right beside him. As everyone was far too distracted with the rising planet blocking the sunlight on both sides. Tombs moved his hand to my upper thigh giving it a slight squeeze while leaning his head closer running the tip of his nose from my shoulder blade up along my neck.

He took a deep breath purposefully brushing his lips across a faint bruise on the side. "Looks like your back with me Furiya. Wander if we will get some alone time."

I heard Jack shout from somewhere off to the side. "Where's Riddick?"

Pairs was holding onto one of the bars above my head pretending not to see Tombs actions. "Leave him, he wouldn't wait for us."

Suddenly Riddick jumped down into the sand cart right behind Tombs. In one swift motion, the alcoholic prick was sitting beside the merc, and I was standing beside Riddick with one of his arms securely around my waist.

Pairs cleared his throat, "There you are, thought we lost ya."

When we got there everyone hopped out of the sand cart and ran to go get what the other ship needed. Paris of course went over to the cargo part, more than likely to go grab more of his wine collection. Jack stood off to the side and moved her goggles looking at the now even bigger rising planet. By the time they got the power cells onto the sand cart, it was too late. The planet was now blocking off what little light was left for the cart to run.

The quiet clicking and howling that was below ground now became extremely loud to everyone. As the Bio Raptors scurried up the dirt pillars to break them down and fly out of the underground tunnels they had been locked in for twenty-two years.

Pairs looked at the darkening sky towards where the sounds were coming from, and the pillars suddenly collapsed. "People! Just a suggestion. Perhaps you should flee?" Everyone took off running towards the cargo part of the ship as Paris hollered at them to hurry up.

Riddick was a bit ahead of me with the curly haired woman. Tombs was somewhere behind me. I glanced back and spotted a handful of creatures coming our way. "Riddick! Get down!" With that we all dropped down and rolled into a pit-like area. Tombs made a grab at my ankle and attempted to pull me towards him. Weather or not he was just trying to keep me safe, or he was trying to pull some shit. I won't ever know. And I don't regret never knowing. Before he could pull me towards him. I slammed my boot down onto his nose. He let go and leaned up slightly holding the now broken nose. I swiftly rolled onto my back and kicked up off the ground right as the first wave of creatures swept over us. They dug their claws into his body, and I was envious of how they made him scream and plead for help. Lucky little bastards were killing him slowly. When I was hoping to be the one to do so. Oh well. Guess I could always play whose the better killer with them later. As they carried him off I smirked to myself. "I told you I'd find a way to kill you Tombs. Too bad it isn't me doing it though."

I went to get up but heard a second wave coming. I could hear Jack holler at someone to stay down and knew immediately the woman that was with Riddick was going to be the next to die. I glanced up ahead keeping my body completely still. Sure, enough she had gotten up only to be torn apart by the creatures as they swept over where we were hunkered down.

Once they were gone we got back up and made a run for the cargo ship. Riddick stopped at the door slightly growling at Fry who was currently trying to close them. He looked back to where I was, and I saw a small glimpse of panic flash across his face. That look told me right away that if I looked behind me I'd see the group from when I was in the tunnels. "Furiya! Get that ass moving!"

I reached the door right as one of them made a lunge for me. Riddick grabbed my arm and pulled me inside as the Holy man helped John close the door. 

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