Interims suck the life out of everyone involved

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this was one giant problem to write. and it's filler of all things. apologies in advance

to me they have 3 weeks prep and interims are halfway through


Stepping into the canteen again was more nerve wracking than it should've been. Was anyone going to swarm him with questions? How will he answer said questions? Sangwon didn't like lying but what else was he to do?

He chose to push through.

Sangwon chose to eat early that morning, trying to avoid as many people as possible. The canteen was quite empty, it was 8am. Hot Sauce K group was up and running; he heard it was from Parkbin's military training. A few other trainees were in there too, enjoying the time to themselves before practice.

After getting his rice porridge he found an empty space to sit down. He ate and watched as people walked into the cafeteria. Some of them saw him and smiled or waved, others walked up to him saying they were glad he was back.

Overall it went better than he expected, no one swarmed him with questions of his absence. He felt more confident returning to practice.

Sangwon finished his breakfast while chatting with some of his group members and headed to the practice room. He warmed his voice up and studied his notes before practice officially started.

This was where he learned that Hwanhee had gotten and was recovering from the flu. He came in with a raspy voice and coughed every five minutes.

"We could have Sangwon hyung and Hwanhee hyung switch parts? Sangwon hyung hasn't completely memorised sub vocal one so he'll be the best replacement." Yuseop said. They were in a circle discussing what to do.

"I don't know if I can keep main vocal in this condition but learning a new part in 4 days is practically impossible, especially since I'm not a strong dancer to begin with." he explained.

"I can learn pretty quickly so I think it's down to you hyung." Sangwon added. He wasn't lying, he knew the lyrics pretty well, vocal techniques came to him easily and the dancing was mostly formation switches. But Hwanhee's confidence was low, switching parts could lead to forgetting lyrics and formation.

"Will changing parts benefit the team more?" Keonhee asked.

"Only time will tell on that. Hyung, the decision's up to you. Whatever you choose we'll be fine with it." Gunwook said.

Hwanhee made his decision.


And after 4 days of hard work, interims day came. In the morning they had vocal and rap evaluations. Masters Seokhoon and pH-1 were in charge of Kill This Love teams.

Of course, G group was amazing. Each part suited each person well and their conditions were good.

It intimidated Sangwon.

"Alright, K group it's your turn." Seokhoon announced.

They got up with their lyric sheets and stood in front of the judges.

"Did everyone get the parts they wanted?" Seokhoon asked.

"The discussion went smoothly and even though we contemplated changing parts we decided not to." Hwanhee answered.

"Hwanhee hyung caught the flu and Sangwon hyung caught something else so their conditions aren't the best. We'll try our best anyway." Gunwook added.

Sangwon was glad he kept it vague.

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