The Classroom Plague

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 I'm looking forward to Science class today. I know that we are going to dissect a frog, and I heard rumours that we will also get a barbeque if we have extra time. But science is at the end of the day. I have to sit through all my other classes first. We have three tests today. One in English, which I am dreading, since I'm having trouble listening to our teacher. Another one is in Norwegian, which I know I am going to ace. And the final one is in Math. This one should be a breeze, as I studied for weeks prior. In all the other classes, I'm pretty sure that we will just have assignments, as we just finished a lesson recently in all of them. So the only good class today is science.

I live at the bottom of Hoshthonprine Street, which is a hill. The school is at the top. Today, the hill felt steeper than usual. Probably a curse, just to make this morning worse. I don't believe in magic and that kind of thing, but I may change. The hill is definitely steeper. Way steeper. Also, my backpack feels heavier than it should

I eventually arrive at Planditharnitatly Junior High, my school. I walk in. I head over to my English classroom. I sit down in my seat. Once everyone arrives, Mr. Harbilithshin calls attendance.

"Harb," he calls.

"Here," Harb responds.

"Raltvon," he calls.

"Here," I respond.

And he keeps going like this. Once he's done, he starts handing out the tests. I see the first question. My jaw drops. I don't understand anything. I look at the next question. Same thing. Not a clue. I soon realize that none of the questions are possible to my knowledge. At the end of class, I turn in my test, empty.

Next is Norwegian. The class goes basically the same, except I easily fill out my test, with no struggle. After Norwegian, I have American History, which I normally love. But today, I know that we will have a long assignment.

When I get to American History, I sit down and start the online assignment. I realize it's not as bad as I thought it would be. It's actually a bit too easy. I raise my hand.

"Yes, Raltvon," Ms. Shrombeel says.

"Why is this so easy?" I ask.

"What do you mean," she asks.

"This is below our skill level. One of the questions was 'When was America founded?' This is too easy. It's not challenging us."

"Yeah, Raltvon's right," adds Shlobrib.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, in the corner of my eye, I see a flash of red light. I also hear a quick, high-pitched sound. I'm worried.

"Did anyone else see that?" I ask.

"See what?" asks Tringlebay.

"That flash of red light."

"No," someone says. I don't know who it was. Then I realize it wasn't anyone in our class. At this point, I'm freaked out of my mind. I run, with the intention of going home, to safety.

I step outside of the school doors. Honestly, I don't think I should have ditched school just because of some little scare. It was probably just a trick by some jokester.

Suddenly, just like before, I see the red light, except this time it was all around me. I ran and ran, but I could not escape it.

"I am coming to get you," I hear a voice say. It was the same one I heard earlier, but a lot deeper. "You will lose tomorrow in three flat days."

"Who are you?" I call out. I hear no response. And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the red light disappeared. I run the rest of the way home. I hide in my room. I stay there for the rest of today, all of tomorrow, and the day after. On the third day, I decided to go to school.

Yeah, I know, the "three days flat" thing. But last night, I realized it was most definitely a prank. So I get ready for school, and I'm on my way.

On the sidewalk across the street, I see the red light. I hear some deep laughter. I suddenly regret my decision to go to school. I guess the "three days flat" thing was real, and I'm about to die. I'm running as fast as I can, now without my backpack, but the red light is gaining on me.

Next thing I know, I'm being sliced and diced, so that I was in millions of pieces. Then, my body somehow forms two egg-like objects, each with different parts of me. I'm rolling down at very high speeds, and the laughing is getting louder and more evil. Finally, I see my social studies teacher, Ms. Shrombeel, is all I can see. She is laughing her head off, literally. Her head is actually falling off.

I crash into a mailbox and explode. I think I'm dead, but I'm still thinking. I try to move, but I can't. So I guess I ended up in the afterlife. Dang it! I think. I have missed the dissection in science. 

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