Missing Warmth

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She quickly rose in bed with her eyes wide open after a gentle shake on her body and a shout startled her. The thumping pain in her head forced her to be wide awake as she noticed two concerned faces surrounding her.

"Nerrie? Greta? Why– what happened?" Her voice was croaky, she only realised now her throat was so sore when Nerida helped her to lean against the bed headboard.

Gretchen went and came back with a glass of water, which she happily accepted. "Thank you." Gretchen smiled at Eleanor before she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Nerida was still standing with her hands holding onto Eleanor, worried that the blonde might fall if she pulled her hands away.

"You were crying and mumbling something in your sleep, Ele. We couldn't help but worry that you might have a nightmare," Gretchen uttered. Eleanor's lips were pressed into a thin line as she processed the whole situation.

The sight of Gretchen's curly ginger hair bring a little tousled caught her attention. Did she jump out of her bed in surprise? Nerida's condition wasn't any better either; her chestnut hair wasn't in a bun like usual and her face was quite puffy.

Eleanor groaned, the thought of her bothered their sleep was just as bad as the throbbing pain. "I'm so sorry, Nerrie.. Greta.. Did I ever do this before?" The girls shook their heads. Eleanor had never let out any sound while she was asleep and both of them were thankful because their last roommate was a very noisy sleeper, meanwhile, Gretchen was a light sleeper. That was the reason why, hearing a whimper in their room when the sun probably hadn't risen was a surprise.

"No, never. This is the first time. Do you feel any better? We can go to the Hospital Wing if you need," Nerida said while Gretchen was stroking Eleanor's shoulder gently, but she shook her head in answer. It would rather be a hassle for the girls to take her there at 3 AM. The two of them sighed, knowing how she probably felt guilty for waking them up, but at least they were relieved to see that Eleanor looked relaxed now. It was worrying to see her panicked in her sleep, as if she was being chased, desperate to run as far as possible.

She held the girls' hands, squeezing them gently as she spoke with a smile gracing her face, "Thank you for helping me. And I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep, it must have been hard for you to stay asleep already." They returned the smile as Gretchen shook her head. Who would let their friend have a nightmare like that? Nerida's hand moved to pat Eleanor's shoulder.

"Nonsense. You know how both of us sleep so easily. Now, let's go back to claim our rightful comfort in bed– or maybe you need us to cuddle you to sleep?" Eleanor's chuckle fill the room, she adored Nerida a lot, especially that affectionate side of her. Eleanor scooted over a bit to give her enough space to join her in bed.

"As long as none of you mind." Eleanor lay down in bed with her lips curved into a bright smile. Gretchen, on the other hand, looked at her friends with confusion painted on her face. How could they think all of them would fit in one bed?

"Nerrie, this is ridiculous. One of us might roll out of bed if we insisted sleeping in one bed." Eleanor couldn't hold her giggles as the chestnut rolled her eyes and pushed Gretchen to lie in bed. "Shut your mouth and sleep. We can just–" She put her arms over the girls, "Try not to fall by cuddling, just like this!" Gretchen was about to protest but Eleanor hugged her and snuggled to her, she could only sigh and let her friends do whatever they want.

"I bet Anne would kill to join us like this," Nerida said, inviting a snicker from Gretchen. "She surely would. I miss her." Eleanor's smile faded and her heart ached. Right. Anne. She must find a cure for Anne quickly. Anne must go back to her normal life, she deserved it. Nerida's gentle pat on her arm was comforting, as if she knew what Eleanor was thinking. After Eleanor's whisper of ‘good night’, the three of them were fast asleep in no time.

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