Chapter 2 : love at first sight

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Peach could see everything slow down bubbles and sparkles surrounding you she looked at you her face flushed
"PRINCESS" you say her grabbing your hand until you heard the guards tackling you

Peach looked at her hand it was like you touching her hand made her feel something like she has never felt before like a new sensation a new feeling she looked at you tackled down by toads "wait let them go" they do as she says "woah are you a human"? She asks looking at your body and face "wow YOUR A HUMAN"! She says joyfully
"Wait let's step back where did you come from" she backs up a bit "me and my friend Raul got sent in this tube and I got separated from him I was told you could help me"!
She looks at you with a sorrowful look

"Look I really want to help but I can't I'm on a mission to defeat bowser" you raise a brow
"Who is bowser" she sighs "he is the ruler of the koopas and has one goal to rule the universe I am on a mission to stop him"

"Take me with you please I need to find him and if defeating him will get you to help him I will"! You say your hands on your hips

Peach smirks "alright let's see what your made of"....

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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