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(re-write again)

His lamp light was emitting a warm hue which comforted the detective, he was just cleaning up some of his case files from his work today and organized his desk and some parts of his office before closing the door and leaving to go home to his lover, they're apartment wasn't far so he just walked over there. He arrived at the building and took an elevator to the top floor, he opened the door only to see Ike still writing, his hand moving across the paper elegantly.

 Ike was so focused on his writing he didn't notice Mysta had come home. Mysta walked over to Ike lifted him up and placed him on his lap which slightly made him flinch

"Hello ikey wikey~"

"Welcome home mysta"

Ike repositioned himself to face his fox boy☺️ and gave him a kiss on the forehead

"More kisses and on the right spot this time"

"You're so spoiled"

This time he kissed Mysta on the lips as he asked the other responded with his tongue intertwining with his and Mysta's hand travelling down to Ike's ass


He smirked and suddenly carrried Ike up, he went to their bedrom and placed his ikey on the bed gently, he layed down behind him wrapping his arms around Ike and pulling the boy closer to him. He was warm.

"Goodnight now my love sleep well"

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