VI. Alvin Oliver Blake

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Face Claim: Max Verstappen

Face Claim: Max Verstappen

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Name: Alvin Oliver Blake Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/they Nationality: Dutch Languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Italian Job/Occupation/Major: F1 driver for Oracle Red Bull F1 Team

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Name: Alvin Oliver Blake
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/they
Nationality: Dutch
Languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Italian
Job/Occupation/Major: F1 driver for Oracle Red Bull F1 Team


Height: 5’11
Skin color: White (kinda pale)
Eye color: Light brown
Birthmarks: Soulmate mark for Logan which is a pair of headphones on a lanyard with keys
Scars: sh ones, some from crashes, some from his dad
Accessories: once married to Logan, always has his wedding ring on him whether actually on his hand or stringed to a necklace
Clothes: Logan dresses him because otherwise he’d wear team wear
Physical disease (if one): N/A


Likes: racing and the adrenaline rush like most of the racers, winning,
Dislikes: seeing anyone he loves in pain, being in pain, logan and his bad habits
Hobbies: acts of services for others, doing logan
Habits: self deprecation
Phobias: terrified of anyone he loves getting hurt since all he has left are madi, logan, and cha
Mental health: very similar to Aria’s

Backstory Overview

- His parents got divorced when he was young, so his sister Madeline (Madi) lived her mom and he lived with his dad
- His dad was in racing, but never got much accomplished, so he pushed Alvin into racing
- From a young age he has been karting and racing with the pressure to win, so much so that if he even got second his dad was upset
- Growing up he was constantly jealous of Logan, Lukas, Hugo, Scott, and the other racers at their success even if they weren’t first, all because they had supportive parents
-This caused the resentment him and Logan faced for each other while growing up and even through F1
- One day for media promo stuff for the teams, him and Logan were in a breakout room together and he learned about Logan’s self harming
- Later he went to Logan to apologize and helped him through a panic attack/breakdown
- They got together after a while and after Logan tried to unalive himself
- Him and Logan are girl dads to their two daughters Madelyn and Charlotte


Mother: dead
Father: dead
Siblings: Madeline Blake, found family
Best friend: Lukas
Enemies: Logan before they were together
Significant other: Logan Grey

Theme Song(s)

▸ Matilda by Harry Styles
▸ Love of My Life by Harry Styles
▸ Cinema by Harry Styles


▸ “You don’t hate me. Please don’t say you hate me again”
▸ “I don’t want to have to remember you. I want to be able to wake up to your
handsome, beautiful, face every morning”
▸ “I can’t be your future husband if we have no wedding plan”

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