Chapter I: Entering the Forest

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4 teenage students, Jane, Morgan, Kritstine, and Artie agree to go on an adventure to a forest at night for break. What they don't know is that the forest is actually haunted with vengeful ghosts who died there years ago. So that night, when the moon was shining at its brightest, the 4 of them met up there. "1, 2 ,3 aaand 4. Yep, we're all here! Or are we?.." Morgan says after finishing the head count. "Morgan, you've literally done this about.. 14 times! It's ridiculous!" Jane complained. "Yeah, I know, I know. I'm just making sure we're all here. Now, 1.. 2.. 3..-" "Morgan, we're all here. No more counting." Artie interrupted. Morgan looks at them with a blank expression, then blinks twice. "Alright alright alright! Now who's ready to explore these woods!" Morgan shouts. They all agree in unison, shouting and raising up their fists in the air.

"So uh how long is this going to take?" Jane questions in the first 5 minutes when they started walking. "Uhhh.. It's about uhhh let's say uhh.... Errr.. ehh.. A few hours?" Morgan answers. "Well, ok. I can live with that."

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Hi so like I said I made this on google docs (with help of a friend so each chapter is really short lol)

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