Episode 2: Felicia's Birthday

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Summary: The Birthday of Felicia Hardy.

No One P.O.V.

She Woke up to Christopher Snuggling into Her. They were Watching Cartoons and Dozed Off Again.

She Checked the Clock. It is 8:30 P.M.

Felicia Yawned and Carried Christopher to his Bed and Tucked him In.

She went to Bed Herself Next to David and the Others.

She Dreamed of her Former Life.

She Dreamt of Remembering how she Learned her Father was a Cat Burgaler.

She Remembered meeting Then-Boyfriend Ryan, who At First was Nice and Loving towards Her, but Became Physically Abusive Towards Her.

She dreamt Remembering that she Refused to be a Victim and Trained herself to Be Physically Stronger, and more Agile, and Vowed to Kill Him the Next time her Tried to Abuse Her.

Only for him to Die by a Drunk Driver.

Annoyed by it, she just tried to Find what Else she Could do with Her Skills. She Turned to being a Thief.

Admittedly, she was Selfish, Only Stealing for Herself. But when She Saw the News about the Hero Spider-Man, She Decided to Use her Thieving For Good, Stealing to Help Others, On One of her Heist's, she Met hm, Of Course, him Being a Hero, and her being a Thief, he Had to Bring her in. But in the Process, the Two Fell in love.

She Remembered when he Trusted her Enough to See who he Really Was, In another World she HATED that their was a Secret identity, Not that she had Anything Against Peter, Just That she Couldn't Understand why he had a Secret identity.

But Not Her World, She Accepted his Trust and Showed her Identity to him as Well, which only Strengthened their Relationship.

The Two Had Moved in Together, and Had Their "Passionate Moments". The Two Also Become A Crime Fighting Duo.

She Remembered She Had Said Yes to a Marriage Proposal, And Apparently she was Supposed to Wait Another Few Months, The TVA Came and Arrested Her, They At Least Let her Keep The Engagement Ring.

She Remembered Mobius offered her a Choice To Work with Another.

And How She Had Came to Live in this Domain. And Now she is Another R-Rated Heroine.

She Woke Up And Checked the Clock. 6:00 A.M.

She Got up And Stretched. and Made Herself Cereal.

Afterwards She Went and Found David In the Gym.

He was Running on a Treadmill. But got Off.

Felicia Walked up and Wrapped her Arms Around Him and he Smiled.

David: Hello There Felicia.

Felicia: *Kisses Him* Hello There Spider~

David: Happy Birthday.

Felicia: You Remembered. *Nuzzles into Him*

David: Of Course I Did. Slayer and his Family are Supposed to be Here Soon.

Felicia: Care for a Quick Spar?

David: Are you Sure?

Felicia: I'm Sure.

The Two Got in Postion. Felicia Went for a Kick and David Blocked it with his Leg.

Felicia Threw a Punch which as Blocked by an Arm.

David: *Taps His Head* You Forget that Spider-Sense Keeps Me Ahead, I know what You'll Do Before You Make It.

Felicia: *Smile* I didn't Forget, I'm Just Warming Up~.

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