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Blackness... more blackness... blackn- noise? I had gained my hearing back but I couldn't open my eyes or move. My head aches and my body was all pain. I felt like a bus hit me. "I don't see how much damage can go on him from one boy?" Who is that. I tried to say the words but it came out as random noises. I heard running towards me and it scared me. "Oh my baby!" Oh it was my mom. I lied there trying to open my eyes. I finally opened them. I'm fucked up. I saw my mom there with the worst expression ever and my dad looked nervous. My eyes watered as I thought being with them.

"GET AWAY!" I screamed trying to get up. "GET OUT OF HERE!" My words where starting to mix together as I screamed at her. My tears overfilled my eyes and I starting to cry. My mom looked at me.

"Calm down."

"I WANT MY FRIENDS NOT YOU!"i yelled crying now.

"oh. okay." My mom sighed getting them. I wiped my tears away but I couldn't stop crying my pain hurt to bad not to. The doctors surround me. I only heard a few words before I passed out. I felt shaking and woke up. It was... Craig and his friends.

"W-" I winced the pain worse now somehow. "What do you need?" My eyes watered again. The pain taking I think I broke my head that how bad it is.

"Don't start crying." Craig said in his monotone voice. "We are not done, the end of the month at 8:30 pm. At the park. This time don't go limp on us or we will get in trouble."

"I'm busy that day." And everyday after that.

"Cool." Clyde said.

"Look ask my friends when I'm free.. oh right you can't because I don't have any." I sighed knowing they didn't like me and only talk to me out of pity.

"Oh my god shut it!" Craig said getting mad at me. "You're just like your mom." He sighed. My face got hot and I stood up punching him in his face.


"Woah calm down" they all chuckled but Kyle stood by the door. "Don't act like they're rude to you. Dumbass." I felt anger rush through me as I stood by them.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM I TALK LATER!" I yelled and they looked shocked and rushed outta there. I sigh and sit down. I felt my face but it hurt right when I touched it. My whole body did.

"Hey dude." Kyle walked over. "You feeling better?" I stared in confusion because my vision blurred and unblurred.

"um. I guess." i winced at the pain.

"You look pretty bad man. You got destroyed back there. Did I tell you that they continued to hit you after 10 minutes of you being knocked out." He sighed and started to giggle.

"What's so funny?" I looked at him. He gasped and ran to a doctor.

"Okay kid we need you to-" he paused trying. Settle down? "When need you to stay calm um. NURSE!" I winced at the pain. I got a glimpse of my self from a metal pan. Oh shit my face man! I touched my face a warm blood ran down it. I got sick. I was about to throw up. It looked like someone had got red paint on my hand. "Okay son. We might need to put pain killers in, so if you feel sleepy that's why. Okay?" I sighed nodding my head. They put bandages on my face tightly and all it did was hurt. I laid down. Kyle came back in and started to talk, it was all just muffled words. I feel asleep.


"AHHHHHH!!! What the fuck?" I fell down a place, it was pitch black and it sounded empty. "Hello?" All I heard was slight hellos until it went quite again. "Fuck it man." I stood up a ran. I had found a door. I opened it. The room was a glowing white. I stepped in it. The door disappeared. "Hello? Anyone here-" i hear... sobbing?? I panicked and ran around. I found my middle school self on the floor. Crying.. I crouched down next to.. me? "Hey bud. What's wrong?" They stopped crying and looked at me.

"Yo-you really wanna d-die" They started to bawl their eyes out again. I stared in shock at them.

"W-what?" I stood up stepping back. My eyes teared up. "Oh darling no!" I ran up holding them to my chest. "No, no, no ,no, no nonono" my words slurred together as a cried too. He hugged me back. "Just think of it like this," I paused to let my eyes dry. "You will be alive and I'll be dead. I will be there forever. Just that we don't grow up!" I smiled at the thought of not growing up. The ground started to shake. "Um what's happening?" The boy looked at me and smiled. He faded away and the world went black once again.

"wake up!" I heard someone whisper shout. I opened my eyes and saw... Eric? "Dude my mom is making me come in here and all I heard is, 'wanna die' quietly." He looked me dead in the eyes. "I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD SLEEP TALK! THATS FUCKING GAY YOU FAGGOT!" He bursted out laughing. "D-DID YOUR B-B-BOYFRIEND KNOW ABOUT THA-THATS!" He continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes at him as I felt myself blush at being called Kyle's boyfriend. But I quickly flushed down the feeling know he is straight. "Anyways man, you wanna sign out?" I sighed a nooses my head. It was a blur doing that stuff all I know is that I was in the passenger seat of Eric's car while he was singing Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. I laughed and started to sing along. The windows where rolled down and the music blasting. We where yelling. Why where we being gay right now... I don't care I'm having fun! The song ended and we both laughed. He found my house and parked there. "Bye man? Feel better!" He laughed as he drove off. I sighed going inside and right into my room. I went to text Kyle but the message wouldn't send through. 'This user has blocked you' What the.. I sighed and went through all contacts and everyone blocked me? I sighed. And the happiness left me quickly. I looked at the date. May 25. Oh. I sighed. I looked for money and went to the store blasting early 2000s music. I giggled and bought Kyle a birthday card. I put 20 bucks in it. I laughed and sealed it. I went to the mail now and sent it out in the mail.

Words: 1172


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