ch.2 ben

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I didn't see Lindsey for a while after my identity crisis, we actually didn't talk the rest of senior year. She ended up going to college out of state while I stayed and went to a local one because I almost failed high school dreaming about her. However over thanksgiving break I saw her at our local grocery store. I was starstruck, she looked so gorgeous standing in the dairy isle arguing with her little brother Ben over something I couldn't hear. I actually couldn't hear anything, her beauty drowned out the sounds around me. I couldn't stop my feet from walking over to where they stood. They both stared at me awkwardly as I stood in front of them, nervous to speak. Apparently I took to long because Lindsey suspiciously drawled out, "Heyyy Ben...?" while I stood motionless before her. Her brother Ben tried to dap me up, and Outlier, whom I was shopping for alc with came over to us.
"Dude you look so lame right now, she totally caught your rizz offguard," he said  chuckling, "let's head back to my place, (his car, he's homeless) and get sloshed." I nodded, embarrassed and turned to head out, but I heard Lindsey call out "Wait!" and I froze in my tracks. "I like the new hair Ben," she said, "Have a nice thanksgiving."
I nodded, "You too, slime 🤘," I said with my mysterious southern accent and walked away, even though everything was pulling me toward her. "She wants you bro," said Outlier as we got in his car.
The next day I unblocked her on snapchat. I sent her a picture of myself and tried to start a conversation. "Wanna meet up?" I said, praying she'd say yes. It was time to make my move. I waited hours for a response but when I got one, I opened it immediately. "sure," it said, "where?"
"My place?" I sent.
"that works," she sent back, "be there in 20."

author's note: wrote this all in one sitting sorry for any mistakes 🤪 next part from lindsey's POV? so far just setting up the plot. what's gonna happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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