Chapter 11:Emotionally Different

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Greg watches Matt straddling Nadia on the half-broken chair caressing her Breasts while slowly playing with the folds of her vagina.  "How is it possible that you gotten even hotter since we saw each other last." Matt groans as Nadia moans and writhes u see his body. "I love you Nadia." He whispers.

Nadia's eyes flash open. She looks over to where Mimi and Ryan are already fucking hard. And then to David and Greg making out. She looks back to Matt and grins. "What if I'd want to date you and David? Would you be okay with that?" Nadia swallows hard waiting for Matt's response. 

Matt grins. "After your quick conversation with David just minutes ago; I hoped you'd want that." He says excitedly. "I never stopped loving you since we met at 13."

Nadia smiles widely. "As much as I don't want to admit; for David's sake; I never stopped loving you either Matty. I wish we would have started dating immediately. But I suppose 14 was an okay age to be in our first relationship."

Nadia grins. "Yeah." Nadia traces her fingers up and down Matt's tanned and toned abs. "I wish we would have gotten married the day we turned 18. Maybe I wouldn't have almost gotten raped by those awful guys."

Matt lets out a long and sad sigh. He gets off of the chair and kneels in front of Nadia. "I wish I was there to defend your honor." Matt growls. "I hated hearing that they almost took advantage of you. Especially since they were former friends of Ryan's."

Nadia sighs. "I know; that was the startling part. I saw them almost everyday. And for a while it made me feel like I was being punished for having sex out of wedlock; let alone with you and at only 14; almost 15." 

Matt groans. "I know; we made a huge mistake for giving ourselves to each other so young."

Nadia chuckles. "From what I remember; the first time was super awkward and I was insanely nervous. But the following 3 days; were pretty great." 

Matt grins widely. "That's how I remember it." "But the 3 times we fucked about 2 years ago; was mind-blowing." He says as he slowly pulls Nadia up off the chair and places her on the floor. "I feel pressured because you have way more experience than I do." 

Nadia scoffs. "What? How's that?" She says confused.

Ryan hovers over Nadia and And Matt grinning at Nadia. His Megalopenis dangling over Nadia's face. "We fucked a couple of times; you fucked David at least 10 times; fucked Matt at least 5 times and then Fucked Greg yesterday morning before you went to class."

Nadi giggles. "Matt and I actually did it 20 times." 

Matt passionately kisses her as he remembers the day they fucked 4 times the day after the first time. " 

"Holy shit!" David exclaims as he overhears Nadia talking. "20 times? You and Matt ducked 20 times!" 

Nadia flinches under Matt's body caressing her. "Crap. You weren't supposed to over hear that David." She says as she slowly sits up and Matt goes to a sitting position next to her. "She never told you about us?"

David walks over to his naked girlfriend and her 1st love. "No she never. I found out last night about you two and definitely didn't know that you fucked her 22 times."

"How in the hell did you guys have sex 22 times when you only had 4 days to fuck?" Ryan asks amused.

Matt groans. "The first day; we did it 3 times because the first time we both were really nervous and the second time that day was because we wanted to try and see if we did something wrong. And the 3rd time that day; we wanted to use what we learned from the 1st two times."

Nadia looks at David; Ryan; Greg and Mimi listening in. "The day after the first time; we did it 5 times. And then we fucked 14 times the next 2 days."

"You fucked 12 times in 1 day? 

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