In an evening of '23

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Zena went abroad for treatment during her university ongoing day. She couldn't attend the classes, practical & also class tests. A bit tension was growing inside her head. It was neither pleasing nor comfortable.

Today is the 3rd day of her coming back in campus. She is sitting on the bench. Class representative announced that 2nd class was cancelled. So she has nothing to do now. Sitting alone she is thinking of her recent condition. It's really not good. Whenever she thinks of her life, she finds nothing but misdeeds. This time she is thinking of her recent misdeeds about one of her male friends. She doesn't know what their relationship is. They did countless things like a couple does. She used to believe that one day he'll understand her feelings. Now the scenes are kind of confusing. She has started losing her confidence in this relationship. But clueless what to do with this now. She remembers her first year on campus. Those days were not so good but she had enthusiasm for various activities. After a year she has a confusing relationship & an ignored heart remaining other things unchanged.

She becomes silent for a few minutes. She doesn't want to think more. It is a huge pressure & every time she leaves her thoughts in the middle. Maybe there is a destined future. She doesn't want to go further before time. Before attending today's class she talked to her family members who are staying outside the country. Her family members are not happy with her academic results. This is also another vital problem which is causing discomfort. Again she stops. She decides not to think about this part also. She is asking herself, "Am I falling into clinical depression?" An arousing fear grasps her entire soul. She starts thinking about the solution.

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