In the twilight of '23

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The caption of this story should be like, "Mad girl in love". People do everything in love. They forget who they are, what they like, what to do when. Their world involves only a specific person. Nothing serious doesn't matter anymore. Zena realizes she is in love.

Love is complicated. It's difficult to differentiate between love & attraction though. Some may say, a shorter period of familiarity grows attraction towards a personality. What if the attraction has expanded too much? Maybe it has not been love yet. The power of attraction is fully filling the criteria of love. Zena realizes, she is too weak for him to judge his mistakes. Now Zena is sitting in front of him. The promised last hour group study of the day is making her feel like shit. Today he has come by only for this hour of seriousness. She knows she has nothing to do. She can't change anything about their movement. Days will pass in this way. Sitting together weakens her strength. Does it call being crazy for someone? Zena doesn't know.

Zena is trying to study now. She has a class test tomorrow. Somehow she managed her teacher for another chance. But nothing matters in front of a person. That person who is sitting in front of her & doesn't pay any heed to her desires. Sometimes it makes her feel very helpless. She can't even seek attention or ask for more importance from him. Life is hard.

One hour has come to an end. It's time to go back to the dorm. Strict rules by the dorm authority, no dorm gate will keep open after 10 pm. It's time to leave him. Zena starts feeling a pain of having no good word between them. All day after classes she is roaming inside campus for this one hour. The hour when they'll sit alone & talk to their heart's content. He promised her this 11th hour of their togetherness. This hour has finished. In this one hour they both were busy with themselves sitting beside each other. However they start walking towards Zena's dorm. The heavy heart of Zena is getting heavier with the passing minutes. One word of him may shatter her eyes anytime. She tries her best to control. She can see her dorm gate now. It's time to say bye. They say bye to each other. Zena doesn't know what'll happen in the inbox today. A huffing girl doesn't know how to act normal after all these. She doesn't know how it'll end up tonight & start again tomorrow or what if it may not continue further!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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