His Baby

17 1 0

Li's POV

This is gonna be awkward as all helI. We've only been together for a little over about two weeks now and he's already bringing me to his house. I mean, it's
Jean, so I should have expected this from him.... But for some reason I just thought that this
was gonna be slower due to me being so shy. I don't know why I
was thinking that way, but now I know that it's not true... But in the end this could all just be an
innocent visit to his house to work on stuff for school, how am I supposed to know? He hasn't
told me a single thing about why he wants me to be at his house today, but I just guess that he wants me to be here. And something that is still continuing to worry me to this second is that today is Friday and he said that I could spend the night with him if I am comfortable. I am comfortable but just too shy and  I can't lie and say that my parents would want me home because they usually try to force me out of the house and be more social etc. I'm probably just overthinking everything and being really dumb... We'll just have to wait and see. Jean is my best friend, he'll never do something bad to me, I'm probably feeling this way because of other people, I shouldn't let that get to me. I trust him. The bus came to a complete stop right outside of Jean's house. It's not like I haven't seen his house before, it's that I haven't ever seen the inside of his house other than whatever stuff I could see from the windows in his home. I'm pretty sure Jean's bedroom is the room that always has the blinds closed. I'm not one to judge though since I never open my own either unless I feel like it. He gently tugged on my shirt sleeve and stood up while calling me cutie and then, walking down the aisle with me trailing shyly
behind him, I was already a blushing mess from his over protectiveness about me and now this name. I love it all so much, I love him more than anything or anyone at all ever. A smaller male stood up in front of him and walked off the bus in front of us, his brother I'm guessing. I know Jean has a brother, but it's not like l've ever actually met him.
"So you're finally gonna bring your girl friend back home for mom and dad?" The smaller male
said once we stepped off of the bus. I felt my entire face flush bright red just from the word
girl friend alone, causing me to look down and allow my hair to cover my eyes.
"Avi, now is not the time. We don't need to make her nervous about meeting them for the first time. And I'd rather not tell them straight to their face that I'm actually in a relationship for awhile. I'll only tell them after she's ready." Jean said, pushing his brother, now knowing his name is Avi. Awh Jean is so caring and sweet. It's hot when he is like this and even more like himself with me.
"Alright, alright, I won't spill anything... But you're
gonna owe me for this because last time I didn't get anything out of the deal when you said to not tell them about you going on a date with her instead of school."
"The only reason that you didn't get anything out of the deal is because you ended up telling mom and dad after only an hour after promising not to."
I'm only guessing they're talking about when I didn't have classes and Jean skipped his classes for our date heh..
"Very true. I'll make sure to keep my mouth completely sealed."
"You aren't even allowed to tell any of your little baka friends, Avi. Mom and dad would be able to hear you talking through the walls and floor with how
loudly you talk when you're on your Xbox." He pouted and sighed as we arrived at the side
garage door to enter Jean's house.
"Alright, big bro, I'll make sure not to tell a single soul until mom and dad both know and are
comfortable with you dating and stuff." Jean growled and pushed him through the door once he had opened it. Both of Jean's parents were outside in the
garage, but they didn't say anything about being there or even greeting any of us. Avi just
kinda set his backpack down on an empty chair and started talking to his parents about random stuff that I was even confused about.
"Don't worry about it, baby girl." Jean said once we were
inside with the door closed behind us, I blushed at the nickname he called me. "They never really notice anything about me, so they don't really care what I do anymore." l just simply nodded, not wanting to carry on this type of conversation. I just want him and us happy and for that I'll do anything needed. He tossed his stuff down onto the dining table
and then walked back outside, leaving me completely silent in the kitchen while shifting
awkwardly on my feet. He walked back inside a moment later hold two cans of soda. I mumbled "thank you.." as he handed me one of the said
cans, leading me up the staircase after grabbing his backpack and holding my hand a moment later. I blushed. Yes again!!
Bedroom. Closed door. Parents and brother outside. Not the three things that I thought would
happen the first time I'm ever over at his house. I mean I don't mind to be really honest because I have always wanted him. This just scared me a tiny bit. He has a reputation around our school and this situation isn't helping me but scaring me more that all of those rumours are true. I looked at him.. I believe him so uh meh.. He tossed his backpack onto the ground and plopped down onto his bed, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and opening some app. I stood
awkwardly by the door for a moment before walking to the other side of his dresser and sitting down on the floor, holding my backpack to my chest. Why am I so nervous. About a minute or two must have passed when Jean finally noticed me sitting on the floor in front of his closet and beside his dresser. He sat up and raised an eyebrow at me, smirking slightly.
"You know that you're allowed to sit on my bed right? Nobody's gonna kill you here, baby." He
said, patting the space next to him. I blushed and stood up, going over to his bed and
standing in front of him, still completely refusing to get on the bed. He pouted and wrapped his
arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him. I squeaked and buried my face into the crook of his neck, face flushing bright red. Ahh he smells so good. I wanna stay like this forever with him.
"Why are you so scared of being in here alone with me, babe?" He asked, gently rubbing my back
while keeping me close to his chest.
"I don't know... It's just, your reputation at school makes me think you're gonna try to do things with me since we're alone in your house..I'm sorry I really do trust you bubs.." He laughed
quietly and kissed my forehead.
"Didn't I tell you that I wasn't gonna do anything to you that you wouldn't want me to do? I'll always ask you for your consent my love. Don't be scared cutie." I nodded and lifted my head,
smiling at him and he smiled in return. Ahh he's so handsome and has such a pretty smile. I smiled more.
"Why did you invite me?" He rolled his eyes playfully and ruffled up my hair, causing me to scrunch up my nose.
"Am I not allowed to have my girl friend anddd my best friend spend the night with me?"
"W-Well, you are, but I was just kinda curious heh because it was sudden and it's lovely how you treat me, I feel so good, really." I said. "I just kinda wanted to spend the weekend with
you. I never really have anything to do over the weekends and always wanted to spend those with you too, so I thought that it would be best to spend it with you." Why the hell does he have to be so smooth with his words?
I felt my face immediately become extremely bright red, burying my face into his shirt. His arms tightened around me which caused me, for some
reason, to wrap my legs around his waist. Heh I'm sure I'm no longer worried now, everything else can go to hell. He's my Jean. "Y-you're so handsome" I mumbled, looking up at him shyly. He just smiled that gorgeous smile and kissed my cheek, causing a little squeak to escape my lips.
"Hey baby" he said, lifting my head up using his thumb with a gentle look on his face.
"Yeah bubs?" I mumbled softly and being completely
unable to look away from his handsome face.
"What if I kissed you?"
My eyes widened the moment the word kissed left his lips. I could feel my face starting to heat up. "Can I?" He asked while looking at me. I shook my head without a second thought. I'd love that and I'm sure I'm comfortable. I want it so much. He licked his lips before shifting a bit underneath me to get more comfortable. Then without another second to spare, his lips were placed on mine. I moved my arms to go around his
neck, pressing us as close as we could possibly be. After a couple of seconds, I allowed my eyes to
slip closed with a soft moan into the kiss. He gripped onto my thighs and rolled us over on his
bed, causing me to end up pinned down to the mattress and him holding my wrists above my head. I slipped my hands under his shirt and traced over his muscles, his chest and stomach. My fingers must have been cold or something because he moaned
quietly, deepening the kiss. Then his tongue ran across my bottom lip and then bit it gently. I gladly opened my mouth, forgetting all the problems and everything, this felt right and I felt safe with him. I trust him and I'm happy. I love him. I'm in love with him. The kiss started being even more heated and passionate. Him pinning me was enough to make me feel aroused and I just wanted even more of him. I tangled my hands in his hair and we started playing with eachother's tongues. I so badly wanted to grind against him but I wasnt sure of if he'll like that or not. So I tried to hold back and felt myself get wet even more as he started sucking my tongue and rubbing my thighs. I love it!! After some minutes I pulled away so both of us could catch our breaths. He sat back
up and gently put me back into his lap, rubbing my back in soothing circles. I looked at him with a light pink tint to my cheeks. "It was so good.." I whispered. "Yeah it was and I loved it." He replied and I smiled at him. "I loved it too bubs." He kissed my forehead. He was looking in my eyes and I did the same. I'm so lucky, he's mine and I'm only his baby, forever. I'll never do something to lose him and will do anything he'd want me to. He's my everything. "I love you so much my baby." "I love you so much more" We both smiled at each other. I put my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He patted my head gently. I was at peace, so safe and comfortable. I started drifting off to sleep while he did that and he knows how comfy he is for me. "You're only mine Li, my baby." "All yours~ daddy~" He grinned, I blushed so much more while saying that. I smiled as he licked my ear and fell asleep while cuddling him. He held me even more closer to him and cuddled me back. "My baby" He said to me and I smiled to myself while sleeping.

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