Prologue: Fed up.

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A/N: Soooo, in order for everything to make sense a bit more, Kakashi, Obito and their generation (along with Rin but she's dead R.I.P Bozo you won't be missed 💀 also Itachi and Shisui too) are three years older, so in this timeline Kakashi was 15 when Naruto was born. Anyway, Author-kun out!


He was enraged. Furious. Pacing through the halls of the Hokage Tower, Kakashi shoved aside anyone who dared be in his path, Sharingan out for everyone to see as the 18 year old stormed through, before kicking open the door of the Old Kage's office.

"You." The Hatake said, his voice laced with so much venom it made even the expecting Kage tremble, however a certain individual with a bandaged eye with his back to the wall showed no reaction.

Immediately, the Four ANBU protecting the Hokage at all times sprung, all with their blades at Kakashi's neck, however the sheer Killing Intent radiated by the White Fang's son would make three shiver like leaves and one pass out.

"If you three don't take those blades off me, the room will be splattered in blood before any of you have the time to blink, got it?!" The Hatake seethed, before in a display of power would lift one finger, flaring his chakra to the point that the door was shut with a violent BANG, and the ANBU struggled to keep their footing. They would get the message, especially because this was the captain of the famed Team Rō, who served directly under the Hokage. However, as they left the three on their own, the one with his back to Kakashi cleared his throat.

"Have you not learned manners as a child? Oh wait, there was no one to teach you." The man said, only for Kakashi to burst in an even more powerful chakra flare, which now wasn't affecting Hiruzen, due to the Kage getting accustomed to it and overcoming his shock, however the old war hawk sitting opposite of him was having some problems.

"You are one to talk, Shimura, leader of Konoha's dirtiest team of senseless and emotionless tools, brainwashed to do the village's dirtiest of dirty works. Man who steals kids from families and orphanages. I've read the records. You're not that discreet, Danzo dearest." Kakashi would say, before turning to Hiruzen, waving a letter in front of him.

"You see this? I found this in the pocket of an ANBU, at least I thought it was one before they automatically were burnt to a crisp, and it has strict orders to kidnap or kill Uzumaki Naruto. After everything his father has done for you lot, after sacrificing himself for the sake of the village, after-"

"The Fourth was nothing but a tool to serve the village until his last breath, as is every Shinobi." Danzō would interrupt, standing up and looking at Kakashi—who had momentarily stopped flaring his chakra—with a daring look.

Shock. Utter stupefaction. One of Konoha's councillors, the people who are supposed to lead it into prosperity had just called the Hokage who sacrificed his life for the village—just like the first two—a TOOL?! He had it. Grabbing Danzo by the throat, Kakashi shoved the man forwards, sending him tumbling across Hiruzen's desk towards the old Kage, who gracefully caught him and shoved him aside a bit too hard, causing him to tumble onto the floor.

"If that's the case, then here. I won't need this anymore. I resign as Leader of Team Rō and my ANBU duties, and renounce my title as Jōnin."

He said, tossing his headband at Danzo, as it hit him on the forehead.

"K-Kakashi?! Where are you going?!" Hiruzen demanded to know, as the White Haired boy who was forced to be a man only turned part of his head to look at the old Kage.

"Away from your failures. Oh, and. I'm taking Naruto and finding Jiraiya. Anyone you send, be it Itachi, Shisui, Gai, Asuma, even the failure of a man beside you, will be killed without hesitation, so don't get any bright ideas." Threatened Kakashi, storming out.

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