Chapter 3: New Friends and Arrival...

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It was during the second day of traveling that Kakashi had finally decided to train the child. They'd found a small clearing within a forest that had a small stream flowing beside it. It seemed perfect. Kakashi could train Naruto while also enjoying the shade of one of the trees and the serenity the stream could give.

Naruto had been jubilant to start training. After all, Kashi-niisan was like- the best best! A-and he could teach him all the coolest jutsu to imagination! Believe it!

"Alright Naruto. First off in our training is a bit of theory. After all, you won't be going to a Shinobi Academy anytime soon, so you'll need the important stuff. I'm sure by know you're up to date with the history of the world, or at least the important aspects as taught by any books we could find, so we're gonna move something more important. The basics of chakra." Kakashi explained, earning a nod of curiosity from Naruto. In order to add to the sense of learning, they both were sitting cross legged in front of one another, with Kakashi clearly wishing his dearest Tenzo-Kouhai would be here to make them more suitable sitting places.

"So. The human body is able to work thanks to two types of energy. Spiritual and Physical Energy. The former, so Spiritual Energy is enhanced and is the result of studying, meditation and experience, whereas the latter, so Physical Energy, is the result of hard physical training and exercise. Ya catchin' up?"

He earned a small nod from Naruto, who after a few seconds of thinking, would slightly tilt his head.

" order to make my chakra stronger and have more of it, I need to train the body and mind?"

That answer was...not what Kakashi was expecting from a 5 year old, and he was expecting Naruto to request a simpler version, but instead he had understood what Kakashi had said and putting two and two together came up with the simpler version all on his own. With a closed eye smile, Kakashi gave him a thumbs up.

"Exactly! Now, let's keep going. Of course, being a form of energy that is released by the body, Chakra can be sensed. There's plenty of people who specialize in Sensing chakra, and you have a great talent for it. You were able to sense Jiraiya materialize long before he was actually there, that's something no 5 year old that I have seen has ever been able to do."

Naruto perked up at the statement, raising his fist in the air in joy, beaming at practically everything with a sunshine of a grin.

"Yatta! I'm already on the way to becoming a great shinobi, believe it!"

Just the sheer joy Naruto emanated lit Kakashi's world up. He couldn't even bear to imagine a child as bright as this be harmed in any way shape or form. All he wanted to do was take him somewhere no one would find then and give him all the love and affection he had missed out on from not having parents. Not like he'd admit that publicly though

Speaking of parents, Kakashi had dropped Naruto with a few hints about his parents, however had explained that Naruto yet couldn't know everything, because there were people after them, and finding out they had a legacy would just bring danger to everyone. Naruto had understood, he just didn't know why some of the people at the orphanage treated him shit!

"Indeed you are Naruto. Now, in order to progress with our training, first we're going to have to do some meditation."

The child groaned at the bombshell (to him) Kakashi dropped, but nonetheless complied, because if he wanted to be a super strong Shinobi like Kakashi-niisan then he'd need to train the mind and body...believe it!

So the two would sit down opposite of one another, crossing their legs as Naruto closed his eyes, with Kakashi closing his one visible eye. It took a few minutes for the boy, but soon enough, he had cleared his mind...or so he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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