chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Cecilia Addams,and I have black short straight hair,my sister's name is Elizabeth. She has blonde hair and has the exceptional talent of an Addams.

I was sitting in my room,working on my sister was in her room working on homework,until mother called and said "girls,time for lunch".I said "ok. mother I'll be right down". my sister said "I'll be down in a minute,mother". So I went downstairs and sat next to mother,Elizabeth came in shortly after me and sat next to father.

Mother said "how are you on homework Cecilia are you all caught up?" I said "well yes i'm almost done with this last math problem".father looked over to Elizabeth asked her the same question. she said "yes,father I'm done with my homework". she sticks her tongue out at me. I glare at her.I finish eating and go back up to finish my homework.

Father looks to my sister and says "was that really necessary to stick your tongue out at your sister Cecilia". Elizabeth says "no but,she doesn't except me,so why should I be nice to her". father says "I know she doesn't except you but,at least try to get along with her". Elizabeth excuses herself from the table goes to her room,and listens to music. I finish my homework and I read a book.

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