Chapter 1

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“Bring us the puppies!!” Margarida said, slightly hitting her hands on the floor, excited. Daniella laughed by her side, both sitting cross-legged.

As asked, Buzzfeed did bring out the puppies of various different races.

“I’m sorry, could you repeat the question?” Daniella asked, laughing, as she held four puppies in her lap.

Margarida wasn’t even paying attention as she was now laying on the floor getting kissed by three different puppies.

“I’m in heaven.” She announced as Daniella finally answered the question about her new movie.

“Senta-te direita.” Daniella said, hitting Margarida in the leg, trying to get her to finally pay attention.

“Who is your celebridades crush?” The interviewer asked both girls as they kept most of their attention directed at the pups.

“Fabien Frankle.” Daniella answered with a smile.

“It’s not fair that you’re answering your boyfriend.” Margarida responded back, annoyed. “The one of us that is single can’t do the same.”

Daniella and the people around laughed as Margarida kept petting the Black puppy in her hold. “C’mon just answer the question already.” Daniella said, with a baby voice talking to the Brown puppy in her hold.

“I don’t have a celebrity crush.” Margarida held another puppy that was trying to climb into her lap. “I have, however, watched the amazing show that is Queen Charlotte and I might have developed  a tiny tiny crush on King George.”

“Farmer George you mean.” Daniella whispered, clearly audible to everyone in the room, making Margarida give her a deadly side eye.

“Anyway!” The younger girl said a little bit louder, stopping the small laughter around the room. “So I'll have to go with Corey Mylchreest, the actor that plays King George.” Daniella laughed a bit, knowing damn well it wasn’t a tiny crush.

“What about your last relationship, how did that end?” This one was directed at Margarida since Daniella was in a very healthy and public relationship with Fabien for quite some time now.

“Harry and I agreed it was better for the both of us not to be together anymore.” Now Margarida answered in a baby voice, holding a Brown and white puppy to her eye line.
“I’ve seen a lot of people worried about that but Harry and I are still friends, I still love him and appreciate the years we’ve had together, but we know it was better for us this way and now that we’re not romantically involved anymore, I feel like I have my best friend back.”  She said seriously, keeping the puppy to her chest.

“Next question please.” Said Daniella, knowing that the girl was still slightly uncomfortable with answering this type of question, pretending it was the puppy speaking.

“You’re staring your tour soon. The expectations are high from the fans. Anything you want to tell them? What should we expect?”

“Nothing.”  Margarida answered with a wicked smile. “Expect nothing so you can’t be disappointed.”

Both girls laughed but Margarida did give a more satisfying answer, explaining that she was very excited to see the fans again and share with them these amazing core moments.

Soon enough the interview was over. Daniella was recently over with the press to promote her new movie that had came out a month before, so now she was just around as Margarida’s tour was about to start.

They had gotten to the venue rather quickly so Margarida could rehearsal as she was getting more and more nervous about the shows.

Daniella left to call Fabien, as he was supposed to meet them there and Margarida went to get changed into more comfortable clothes and talk to her manager.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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