work (Kevin x Streber)

187 3 4

( not this being a re-write of the first story i wrote on my notes app lol )


Kevin sighed as he sat down at his work desk. Nobody came into the store at this time of year, so he found it stupid that he had to work. He sat with his head in his hands but was interrupted by a sudden noise; He forgot he was at work and let out an an annoyed,

" what do you want now? " 

" well that's no way to greet your boyfriend now is it. "

Kevin sat up to see Streber leaning over the counter, a smug look on his face.

" Ah, sorry Strebs, I forgot I was at work haha. "

All Streber did in response was kiss Kevin on the cheek. He looked around, trying to decide on what to get. 

" Can i get.....A bag of candy-corn? " 

A wide grin spread across Streber's face. Kevin noticed he had his fake fangs in, they always made him feel more confident.

" Coming right up, my love. "

He grabbed a paper bag and started filling it up. Streber smiled softly, 

" Stop stealing my job, I'm usually the one calling you love "

Streber attempted to cross his arms, but failed due to only having one. Kevin blushed and let out a little laugh. It was silent for a few seconds before he walked back to the counter.

" that will be 4.69 " (lollll 69)

" Well I think I should get a 100% discount for being the best boyfriend! " 

Streber put his hand on his hip. Kevin looked around before saying,

" Fine. Just do not tell my manger about this. "

Strebers eyes lit up a beautiful blue as he did the loudest squeal imaginable. He took the bag from Kevin's hands. He kissed Kevin before walking happily to the door.

" Thanks love, see ya soon! "

Streber said mouth full of candy-corn...

322 words 

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