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↠ Evelyn

This idiot, has been nothing but a pain in the fücking asś since he has magically flew into my life. I did not ask from him to be here, he just appeared.

"Can you please just tell me at least how far away we are from this fücking place" I stated putting my feet up on the dash board.

Looking at me from the corner of his eyes "if I tell you will you get your feet off"

"Possibly" fixing my top and leaning back.

"We're 5 minutes away, happy? Now feet down" he answered obviously annoyed. Removing my feet from where they lay and looking back out the window.


"Right so there's about 7 of us, they can be ... asśholes, but their cool" he reassured me. I nodded, Ashton was the most human social encounter I've had, but now going from 1 to 7, I couldn't help but to think of everything wrong about that.

We were in a busy town, possibly a city, but what would I know, I had never left Miami. Walking through streets dragging along behind Ashton, squeezing through everyone. The space between Ashton and I growing, trying my best to keep up.

"Ashton, wait!" Running forward grabbing his hand.

"What are you do-"

"I don't want to get lost, just please don't let go" I asked, looking around keeping my eyes off of him. He replied with a simple nod, his grip on my hand tightening as we quickly ran passed the city people going through their day-to-day lives. Reaching a tall building that was placed between others, skipping up the steps and entering.

"Is this where you live?" I asked, looking around at the graffitied walls and alcohol bottles and cans laying on the ground.

"Well, I stay here, I travel too much to live in the one place" after him dragging me up countless stairs, eventually coming to his door as he opened it. The powerful smell of nicotine and whatever else instantly hitting me - which wasn't entirely good because I was trying to get my breathing back to normal - Letting out a choked cough and straining my eyes to see through the dark hallway. A lot of noise, talking, laughing, sounded from the room at the end.

"Ashton! mate"

"Your back man"

A tall blonde boy and a darker skinned boy said welcoming him.

"Hey guys this is Evelyn" Ashton replied referring to me. I looked around at the people in front of me, I was surprised to say the least. I didn't expect Ashton to hang around with these sort of people, these meaning friendly.

"This is Luke" he said as I looked at the tall blonde boy, he was cute, really cute, but we won't dwell on that.

"Hi" melting at his voice, my tummy doing fück knows what. A awkward "Hi" escaped my lips with a smile that would kill a thousand people with how ugly I looked. He let out a small chuckle before we were rudely interrupted by shît face.

"Okay that's enough of that" snapping me back to reality and continuing to introduce me to the others.


Calum was really nice, his hair was dark with a swirl of blonde through the front, his smile was warm, easy going sort of guy.

Michael, now Michael, he was the heart and soul of the party, fun sort of guy, as was his girlfriend. His wild hair and green eyes matched in a way I couldn't exactly describe.

Nina, Mikes girlfriend, now honestly from the short amount of time I was here, they were the cutest piece of shît to exist. Her hair was just as crazy as his, but she was incredibly nice.

Alessia was Calum's 'thing'
- quoted by Ashton - they do what they do, when they want, and how they like, but there's never been a relationship through the countless times they've fücked. She was quiet, small, really cute but obviously Calum didn't see the quiet side.

As for Celeste, she basically was there for the hell of it, wild, crazy, extremely loud but happy.

trust - a.iOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant