Part 2: Chapter 9

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The wind was so strong as we walked towards the cliff where a single metal bucket sat at the edge. It seemed like the wind didn't even effect it.

"I haven't used a port key before." Poppy smiled.

"Are you sure you want to go? I think it would be safe for you to stay at school." She smiled at me to reassure me and she patted my shoulder.

"You are my best friend. I'm not going anywhere." I smiled and squeezed her hand.

"I haven't been to where we are going since I was a kid." Ominis causally said behind us.

"You've been to my families home in France?" I asked in disbelief.

"My family was invited when I was very little. I believe they were trying to arrange a marriage or something. I was maybe only nine or ten so I don't really remember." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

"A marriage? Do you have an older sister?" I asked him. It had to have been for Marc.

"No. I don't remember why exactly we were there I just thought that's why we were there."

"It was a marriage." Marc cleared his throat, "but the Gaunts declined because father wouldn't show them his daughter because she wasn't allowed on the property."

Ominis and i made the same gross face. "It was for us?" We both asked.

"Imagine my surprise when I saw you two were friends." Marc hummed as he moved us all into position around the pail.

"I could never see myself marrying Ava, no offense."

"I mean you can't see... and none taken i was about to say the same thing." Ominis rolled his eyes. "Thinking about it gives me the same feeling as marrying a brother." I shivered at the idea.

"You'll find someone, Ominis." Poppy smiled.

"Th-thank you, Poppy." Ominis was clearly done with the conversation. His cheeks turning bright red.

"Alright everyone," Marc looked at a watch on his wrist before looking at us. "Everyone is to touch the bucket at the same time in five, four" we all positioned our hands above the bucket ready for the signal, "three, two, one!"

All of us touched the bucket and we were flung up in the air it felt like. Everyone's hair was going in every direction. Poppy couldn't help but scream as we flew around. Ominis looked as if he was going to throw up.

"Everyone let go now!" Marc yelled before he let go himself.

I glanced at Poppy who quickly let go. Ominis touched my hand that was on the bucket as if to say he was going to let go as well before he wasn't next to me anymore. Finally I let go.

Suddenly I was flat on my back and heard Poppy and Ominis groaning next to me. "Fuck me.." I mumbled in French before rolling over and trying to gather where we were. It took a few seconds too long for my eyes to adjust but finally stuff seemed to clear up.

We were in a garden of some type. Flowers blossomed everywhere. I sat up as flowers fell around me. It was fields and fields of Lavender.

"Marc. I think we went too far. The Lavender fields are much more south." I looked around and Marc was no where to be found. "Oh fuck."

"That was horrible.." Ominis sat up with lavender in his hair.

"I'm so sore... but that was so much fun!" Poppy jumped up with even more flowers in her hair. "Where.. where are we?"

"We are in the wrong Provence. And Marc is not here." I stood up and dusted myself off and brushed any lavender out of my hair.

The other two did the same as I tried to gather my bearings. "I Can aparate us to Paris or at least the edge of Versailles. I hope."

Overtaken, book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora