Attitude Adjustment |Hopper Smut|

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This was requested by a friend of mine who in simple terms, would let Jim Hopper ruin her ass. Enjoy <3


Hawkins, Indiana only stood strong because of one man. Chief Jim Hopper.

He took each and every case that came across his desk personally. He prided himself on working non-stop until each case was solved. He knew almost everyone in town by their first name, and where they lived, until I showed up.

Florence, the chief's secretary, had hired me on as an intern at the station. While she handled filing papers, and transferring calls, I made sure the chief had everything he needed to make it through his day. Whether is be a pack of smokes and a new lighter, finding the file he had lost on the way to his office after getting stopped by Gertrude the receptionist, or hot cup of coffee waiting on his desk every break.

It didn't take long at all for me to figure out Hopper. He didn't work himself to death, to earn the people of this town. He didn't take those pills on his desk, for his blood pressure. And he sure didn't go to the bar every Friday night to cheers to a good week. No. Jim Hopper worked himself ragged to keep his mind off his dead daughter, for which he blames himself for her being born sickly. And Jim Hopper took pills that numbed his mind from feeling anything other the minor annoyance his job brought him on the daily. Finally, Jim Hopper went to the Hideaway every Friday night to find a warm body to occupy his bed that would allow him to have his every way with just for the night. And to say, I was jealous of every woman that got the opportunity to be at the mercy of Jim Hopper, was a fucking understatement.

I tried everything to gain even a fraction of his attention. I wore my shirts a little low cut, and my skirts and pants tight like a second skin. I would stroke his chest after pinning his name tag on his shirt every morning, and in turn I'd get a little smirk. His lunch was always ready at his desk when he arrived. And If he was staying late, I would run down to Benny's and grabbed him a hot hamburger plate. When I went over his morning call in's I would plop my rump on his desk right in front of him, his eyes never left my legs. I noticed on nights I myself would stay late to prep everything for the next day, he would be sure to stay behind as well. Even if it meant he was late for the women at the bar.

I thought I was getting somewhere with him when he offered to take me home after my shift. But as he pulled up to my shitty little cottage, he spoke up.

"Look Y/n, I see what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work. I have a strict no fraternization policy with coworkers. This can't happen." He said avoiding looking my way and instead kept his eyes forward, as he stared out the windshield.

"I call bullshit on that. I mean there has to be a reason your office is looked everyday at 2, and Trudy is nowhere to be seen until you've popped out of your office, and she comes out with Bambi legs. But hey, messaged received loud and clear Chief. I'll be sure to move on to the next guy." I shrugged grabbing my purse and stepping out of hi bronco.

"Next guy? No wait. That's not_" he started to babble but I cut him off.

"Thank you so much for the ride, Chief. I appreciate your generosity, shame I could never return it." I cooed with a sickly sweet smile then slammed his door shut and made my way up my walkway.

After that conversation, I made it my fucking duty to tease the hell out of him. Instead of brushing against him, and oohing and awing over everything he did, I moved on to a much more easier, and younger target. Deputy Callaghan.

The man was putty in my hands, and a hell of a kisser. My lunch break was spent behind the station making out with him, and letting him leave hickey's anywhere his lips could reach. And whenever I knew Hopper was about to walk out for after lunch smoke, I'd let Callaghan get a little under the skirt handsy. The look on the mans face whenever he caught us never failed to make me cream my panties. Lunch always ended in a trip to the bathroom, for a little me time.

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