Joking around.

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Past Good's POV:
We arrive at my cabin, I let the boy in, he jumps up and down happily, thanking me for not leaving him to die?.. he also hugs me.. who does he think i am some predator?
" Well duh! I'm not some evil villain whos gonna kill you or whatever dumbass.. " I hesitantly hug the other back, Fucking god this is so embarassing. If the nightmare trio saw me like this they'd make fun of me on the spot. Though, where did this boy even come from? I was curious. I kept pondering about it before the other said:
" Hey, do you mind uhm, letting go? " The pumpkin obsessed boy said, I let go. Letting a chuckle out. " Whatever, Uh, sorry tho. " jesus, am i going soft? If i am i'm killing myself on the spot. I think to myself jokingly. The pumpkin boy giggles before saying: " It's fine. " And smiling at me sweetly. Yeah, hes certainly not from some, mean, brooding world. Atleast i think, even if he were It'd be kinda funny since hes got this more.. warm aura. It just wouldn't make sense. I just hum as i walk, Signing for him to come with. I show him to his room, he seemed pleased with it and thanked me. " We'll eat later if ur not hungry now. " I say turning my head to him, He couldn't even make eye contact with me..
" Ay, pumpkin eyes up here. " I nudge him a slight bit. He flinches and seems to blush at the name. " That wasn't a pet name!- " I feel blush creep onto my face, we both go silent before theres a knock on my door. " Hey Good open the door! " Napsap, who was my son, Yelled out. " THE DOORS UNLOCKED YOU DIMWIT! " I Shout out before realizing jef was here, but it was too late. Napsap had come in. " Oh? Who is this. "
Napsap asked me, looking at jef up close. I stay quiet and so does Jef, we both don't know what to say. I cough then say: " Well, uh. I suppose ill tell you, whilst you and wasfound and nightmare had been chasing me, I encountered Jef, Hes.. not from this world. (Genshin Impact is that u??) I took him here and uh, here we are. " I chuckle nervously as Napsap's eyes sparkle, his panda ears going up. " So hes a special visitor? This is fuckin' awesome! Hiya! I'm Napsap, let me know if you need anything ohmygoshitssoexcitingtomeet you! " Napsap ranted. Jef giggling and me chuckling. Napsap being happy and probably running around everywhere, babbling about god knows what. I love the kid but i wont tell anyone that- people would tease the shit outta me- " Calm down Nap, dont get too attatched tho, We dont know if hes staying, he has a life outside this world. Unless. Hes trying to escape that life? " I say, raising a brow and looking at jef. He keeps his hands on his chest, a bit nervous to answer, I notice this and squeeze his shoulder a bit comfortingly. Weirdly enough he loosens up a bit. " Well, Uhm. I- Don't like my life.. on the other side you could say. " Jef says, I hum in responce, listening. " so you dont enjoy it much on the other side? " 

Nobodys POV

Jef mumbled something at that, he never did, It was like his mother and father had been absent his whole life.

" I Can't say It's the best. I'd wish to stay here If I could. "

Jef loved the other side, from the magic to the mystical creatures to the nice meadows, however. Good looks at him with an almost surprised look on his face. Pursing his lips at that.

" That's... quite a way to say you want to say, but you can stay with me, I mean- I guess. "

Good had said oddly softly. Jef smiles softly at that as nap raised his brows up and down ifykyk

" I'll be leaving you two alone! Cya! "

Nap said, Before either of them could get a word In Nap was out the door, Good sighed at that.

" I'm so sorry about him, hes just werid like that sometimes. "

Good told the pumpkin, putting his head down In embarassment.

" Oh no It's fine! He has... quite the personality! "

Jef said, a small chuckle coming out.

" mn.. whatever. I'd say It's about time for bed. "

Good said, turning on his heel to leave to his room.

" Wait! Where am I staying!? "

The boy stopped the half angel. The half angel seemed to realize something sighing In annoyance.

" You'll be sleeping with me. "

The boy got dragged by the hybrid. he got lended some PJ's from the other and they both got Into bed.

Then jefs paranoia kicks In..

He feels like he's annoying Good. He felt anxiety building up In his chest. He wasn't really used to anything here, he saw good was asleep so he let tears fall as he panicked, gripping onto the blanket In fear, was anywhere safe? He started hyperventilating. Good slowly woke up from all the sobbing and heavy breathing and noticed. He himself was a bit taken aback from this. Good put a hand on jefs shoulder. Good had never been put into this situation before, so he had wrapped his wings and arms around the other In an attempt of comforting the other. Jef notices this and Looked at good, Good had this sorry look In his eyes. Of course he wouldn't admit it but jef thought: was this person as bad as he thought he would be? He wrapped his arms around Good. Sobbing into the others chest, Good quietly yet silently gasps at the others action. Slightly playing with the others hair to calm them, Jef eases Into Good's touch. Good slightly smiles at this for a second before wiping that smile off, he knew It wasn't safe there. He knew something would happen If everyone knew Jef was here. He was worried.

Would this reign chaos against the NSMP?


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