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Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a while!

I've been a bit busy with some projects I've been working on, plus I haven't had the most motivation

But I promise I will get back to drawing and updating regularly soon!

I've been thinking about drawing some Detroit Become Human characters since I've been kinda obsessed recently

Maybe some other fan art of my favorite things too...

But idk

I'll figure it out

Anyways I might start writing more too, there's one book I've been wanting to write for a while

Not a fanfiction btw

It'd be about this girl (not sure on a name yet) who dies in some kind of accident, and has to navigate her way through the afterlife. She doesn't remember who she was or anything about herself except her name, but in order to get through the afterlife, there are these trials. You have to relive your best and worst moments from when you were living, but you are in control. So it isn't on autoplay, you have to do the correct sequence to move on. Her goal is to get back to Earth as a ghost and idk haunt people or something, but to do that she gotta face the trials. Adventures ensue, and that's the story.

If y'all would be interested lmk and I'll make it a thing but if not I'm probably not gonna do it lol

Anyways I've rambled on long enough

TLDR; sorry I've been gone so long, I'll draw again soon, and maybe write more too

Love y'all!


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