1. Their meeting

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In the enclosed ground of the palace a young teen of fifteen could be seen playing Veena at early morning in her room she have been playing Veena sice she was ten her mother the queen who is big devotee of godess Saraswati is the one who made her ...

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In the enclosed ground of the palace a young teen of fifteen could be seen playing Veena at early morning in her room she have been playing Veena sice she was ten her mother the queen who is big devotee of godess Saraswati is the one who made her learn how to play Veena even though her mother married a buddist king she still worships godess Saraswati without her husband knowledge and tells her daughter about godess Saraswati

Her father has a lot of wives and mistress so she have a lot of step siblings whom she hates because of how they treat her and she hates her father other wives too as they makes her mother cry even though her father is a good father he is not a good husband atleast not to her mother he insults her every day for not giving birth to a healthy son

She has a older brother who has a mental disorder since he was born whom she loves a lot even though he is the first child of the king he is not the crown prince due to his mental disorder and her step mother and siblings treats him badly she doesn't want any of her siblings to become the next king as she fears for her brothers life

Praveena pov

After i finished playing the Veena i thought about the war which is going on between the Cholas i am afraid that we will loose my best friend and my handmaid entered the room snapping me out of my thoughts i asked her why she is here since it's too early

ræjina (queen) is asking for you kumariya (princess) Saisha told me
I don't know why my mom wants me to meet her that too in the early morning i just hope i am not in trouble

I left my after getting ready to meet my amma (mother)

When I came to my amma chamber the guards announced my presence and then i was given permission to go
inside Amma Saisha told me that you want to meet me can i know the reason amma

Do i need a reason to meet my daughter? asked my mother don't worry i just wanted you to eat breakfast with me while we are eating my mom began speaking

i am afraid that we will lose the war and if we did than the whole royal family will suffer i fear for your brother and you .I asked your father to speak about a peace treaty so many times but he is not listening to me said my amma

I don't know why amma is thinking like this even though we have less soldiers then Cholas there is a chance that we can win so i told my mom not to worry and that we will not loose the war

No we will apart from the war which we are having with the Cholas some traitors have gathered together to overthrow the king in our country said my amma

What how come no one told me about the if traitors are going to revolt than we can't win the war i don't know what to say to amma

Listen carefully my daughter if we lose the war than I want you to escape with your brother and go somewhere said my amma

But amma what about you i asked her

I am the queen so if I escape with you than your chances of getting caught is high said my mom

I know what my mom is saying is true but i can't leave her

I know what you are thinking my diyaṇiya (daughter)but it's the only way my mom told

Don't cry my diyaṇiya my mom told me but how can not cry i hugged my mother and kept crying

_____________After two days___________

Praveena pov

I am now outside of the place disguised as commer with Saisha me and Sashia sneak out of palace very often luckely  we are not caught yet i actually persuaded Saisha to come with me to the market so i can distract myself from what amma told me the other day

I am now outside of the place disguised as commer with Saisha me and Sashia sneak out of palace very often luckely  we are not caught yet i actually persuaded Saisha to come with me to the market so i can distract myself from what amma told me the...

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( The dress which i imagined that the oc will wear not her though)

While me and Saisha was walking a person bumped into me and when I turned around to see who it was even though i couldn't see his face fully i can see that the stranger eyes which looked so beautiful that i could get lost in them i called out for him but he left

He could have atleast said a sorry it doesn't matter how beautiful his eyes looked he still lacks manners i thought to myself before going on the other side

Stranger pov

It has been days since me and my soldiers came to Ilanka my father had ordered me to capture it and who am I to refuse my father the kings order

Me and some of my soldiers were taking a walk in Ilanka i have to admit it is a beautiful country with beautiful scenarios

We went inside the market to know what's currently happening in Ilanka when i suddenly bumped into a girl who looked beautiful i wanted to say sorry to hear when one of my soldiers mentioned that some of the royal soldiers are near by so we left

We kept talking to a shopkeeper who told us that the tax money is kept rising due to the ongoing war then we began leaving the market place as the sun started to set when suddenly a old woman called me she seemed like an soothsayer (a person who can predict the future )

You will win everything and you will take something which is more precious than a gem from Ilanka and you will grow to love it cherish it said the lady

I don't know why but i suddenly thought about the woman that i meet at the market i tried giving her some money but she refused to accept any

After that we left to our secret camp ate dinner and slept the next day i decided to take a walk in the market by myself when someone called me

You wait yesterday you bumped into me and left without saying sorry did your parents not teached you any manners? asked the asked girl who i meet yesterday said

I am sorry devi i wanted to say sorry yesterday but my friend pulled me because he wanted to see a shop forgive me for my rudeness devi i said

She have a dumbfounded expression when I said that which i thought was cute

I didn't expect you to say sorry so easily she said

I laughed at that what's your name devi i asked



mother - amma
queen -ræjina
daughter - diyaṇiya
princess -kumariya
soothsayer - a person who can predict the future


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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