Chapter Seven

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Clementine had to finish up her shift and wondered if I had a problem waiting for her to finish

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Clementine had to finish up her shift and wondered if I had a problem waiting for her to finish. I told her I didn't mind.

Besides, where else could I go? I mean, I was new in town, and we established I would go to live with her until I could get back on my feet or Victor to call me.

Clementine wasn't aware of the last part.

Yeah, like she wasn’t aware that she just invited a clone to go live with her.

I froze when I noticed someone had taken a seat before me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

My eyes widened when I saw a mountain man talking to me.

“My name is Ethan Wood. I’m the manager of this establishment. Clementine informed me you needed to work. I normally don’t do this, but since Clementine recommended you, I can always try you for two days and see how you do, and then, if I’m pleased with your work, I can hire you.”

The surprise left me unable to utter a word. I never thought it would be that easy to find work.

Ethan was obviously waiting for me to speak; I could see it in his expression.

I cleared my throat. “Thank you for the opportunity. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”

“What’s your name, girl?” He asked me.

“Uhmm, Leona Clark, sir,” I responded in a typical fashion.

“Please call me Ethan.” He tapped his thumb on the table. “Do you mind coming early tomorrow to see how things work around here?”

“Of course not. I’m going to do my best so you won’t regret the decision to hire me.”

I remember Delilah gave me a roll of money when she took me to the bus station. I still have it in my back bag. How long could I last with the amount she provided? That was the reason I had to find a way to provide my own money, seeing as I had no clue as to when I’d see them again.

I was still waiting on Victor’s call.

“Nothing is said in stone.” Ethan reminded me. “Prove yourself, and then I’ll decide what to do with you.”

He stood from the chair he was sitting upon, ready to leave. I stopped Ethan as I spoke. “Would you mind if I stay here until Clementine finishes her shift? She kindly offered for me to stay with her since I’m new in town.”

Ethan looked at Clementine with admiration. “That woman will never cease to amaze me.” He mumbled to himself.

He had the same expression on his face that my dad used to have when my mom was still living.

I shut my eyes, processing what I just thought. Those aren’t my memories. It belonged to her. Sometimes I wished Father would have obliterated the memories I had of Penny. It always returned to the point that reminded me I was a clone. I wasn’t real; I was only a copy of her existence.

Ethan snapped his fingers close to me to draw my attention. “Hey, girl. Are you listening to me?”

I shook my head. “Huh! What? Oh, sorry.”

He arched his brows. “I hope tomorrow you won’t let yourself be distracted so easily, especially when Clementine is going to show you the ropes.”

He’s right!

I can’t let myself be distracted this way. He’s kind enough to give me a chance. I can’t let him down.

“No, sir. I promise it won’t let it happen.” I quickly respond to show him how serious I am.

“Didn’t I tell you to call me Ethan?” He corrected me.

“Sorry, sir. I mean Ethan.” I quickly corrected myself.

Ethan smirked. “I have to get back to work. See you tomorrow.” He walked away, leaving me alone.

I nearly jumped out of my seat as the burner phone Victor gave me rang. In a rush, I looked through the bag to get the phone as I was leaving the Globe.

“Hello, Victor?” I panicked, feeling my heart beat fast, receiving his phone call.


“Not so loud, darling.”

I sighed with relief, hearing his voice.

“I don’t have much time to chat, so listen carefully.” Victor continued. “First thing, first, are you in a safe place to talk freely?”

“Yes, I’m outside, and nobody is in sight,” I informed Victor.

“Perfect. Now listen carefully.” Victor warned me. “I tricked them into believing Eddy was the betrayer as he snatched you from your cell. He had an ally on the outside to help him. The accomplice crossed Eddy, killed him, and kidnapped you.”

I bit my nails nervously. “How did you manage to do all this?”

He chuckled. “Are you doubting my skills, darling?”


“I’m sorry, but I have to hang up now.”

“Wait! Don’t you want to know where I am?” I’m surprised he didn't ask me.

“The less I know, the better. Just stay out of trouble.” Victor replied.

“But how will you find me?”

“Again, don't doubt my skills, darling. I’m sorry, but I really have to hang up now.”
And he did without saying goodbye.

I kept a firm grip on the phone, trying to keep my worry at bay concerning Victor’s call.

Should I be worried?

I mean, no one in the facility is pointing their finger at him. They all think it was Eddy behind my escape.

I know Father won’t stop searching for me. I’m the only one who can save his precious daughter. Without me, she’s as good as dead.

I have the advantage on my side. Father can’t report me as a missing person. He will have to announce to the world that Penny is missing. He can’t either use Eddy as a fugitive. Father will have to expose whatever he was doing inside that building, including me.

Unless he lies.

I will have to lay low, as Victor asked me until he finds me or I decide to change town.

“Can I have a cup of coffee?” I asked Clementine after I walked back inside the Globe.

“Of course.” She tells me. “Are you okay? You looked so worried as you stepped outside.”

I nodded. “I needed a minute to breathe.”

She smiled. “Coffee coming right up.”

Was I worse than Father? Because if I stay here, it would mean I will endanger their life.

One thing is sure. I can never expose myself to them. I will have to lie about who I truly am.

I can never get back to that place. I will have to do whatever it takes to survive.

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