chapter 4

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30: if it feels like you are being followed or stalked, whatever you do, don't look behind you.

31: always have a weapon on you in case of emergencies.

32: never look up on the internet 'huskies with smiles'. You might have to go and spread the word.

33: sometimes you have to keep a close eye on you're foe. If you look away, you might get a broken neck.

34: if you ever find a bag full of cassette tapes, don't play them, no matter how curious you are.

35: if people start coming out of you're television, you might want to look into going screenless for awhile.

36: if any of you're video games start to glitch and weird things start to happen, you may want to play baseball with them and hit them with a bat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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