Carine Mia Seet

7 2 0

Basic Stats
Age: 13(debut)
Favorite color: purple
Height: 163cm
Birthday: 10 April (Aries ♈)
Segment: Puzzles and Patterns
Favorite food: lasagna, ramen, gyoza

Carine has brown hair which she usually ties up and a slender figure. She wears round glasses. She has the most tomboyish dressing style of the girls, only wearing skirts and dresses for formal events.

Performing: Carine started with acting at 4. She also did dancing at 10, but stopped at 11 because of constant muscle sprains and cramps. She resumed at 12 because she genuinely wanted to.

Personal Life: Carine was bullied in elementary school to the point of suicidal attempt. She also didn't have many friends. This is probably why she's self-critical. She did not do well for her Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) because she did not put in her 100% effort. She looked back with regrets and didn't want that in her adolescence so she signed up for lots of opportunities, including Sky High.

Carine enjoys talking about penguins and ducks. She is energetic & quirky, but is serious when necessary. She frequently works tirelessly behind the scenes.
Carine is also kind to others. However, she is sometimes self critical and hard on herself.

Linguistic: Carine is multilingual. She can speak English, Chinese and Croatian (Hrvatski).

Podcasting: Carine is rather eloquent and has a podcast on Spotify which lots of people listen to.

Cooking: She can cook multiple.dishes which almost always comes out delicious.

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