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New Orleans, Louisiana - October 26th, 2005

Brigitta screamed as she ran from the ghost attacking her.

She grabbed a stick and attacked it, but it did no such good. She was knocked into a tree and groaned as she hit her head.

Suddenly, the ghost was went up in flames, and screamed as he disappeared.

Her rescuer walked up to her. "Hey, you okay?"

She nodded. "Not the first head smack I've had. Who are you?"

"A ghost."


"Lady, you saw it before your eyes. Listen, you go on home and live your life, okay?"

"No. I want to fight monsters like that."

"I'm not gonna bring some random chick into this life."

"Tough. And I'm not a random chick. My name is Brigitta, Brie, Darling. Thank you for saving my life. I'm coming with you."

Dean let out a groan. "Fine. Dean Winchester. This life isn't easy, Brie."

"I've gathered such. So. When and where do we start?"

"First, we need to get someone."


"My brother."

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