chapter 2

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Tw. Arranged marriage suggested abusive family?

Turning the brooch over in your hand, you walk back to the shattered mirror looking at your reflection through the broken pieces. Tears where slowly rolling down your cheeks, eyes red and puffy. There were so many things to be upset about but your head found it hard to place a single one. You tried your best to wipe the tears away as the rolled down your cheeks brooch still clutched in one hand. Taking a deep breath you pinned the metal jewellery to the white fabric of your outfit. Taking deep breaths you try to push down whatever feel in your gut, telling you to run. But you can't you're doing this for your family, 'and its not like i have anywhere to go.' You sigh making a final attempt to look presentable. You walk to the door painstakingly slow trying to push everything off, to steady your hands, to stop crying, to just stop. But you reach the door and trun the handle sparing the messy room of flowers, glass and luggage one final glance.

Your footsteps echo down the empty hall. You don't know where to look. Its like something out of a scary movie or book. Pictures of the Lukas family throughout the years line the walls. Each marked with a date at the bottom. Tables with expensive vases and decore are pushed against the wall. What seems to be red carpet lines the floor though it is hard to tell in the dim light seeping in through the small windows at top of the walls. You reach a set of large double doors at the end of the hall and wait for your father. 'This is all for him.' You think. 'All for this man who never cared, for a men who never loved his wife or his child.'

"You look wonderful Darling. I'm so glad you came around." Your fathers voice comes from a narrow hall next to you. Your mother falling in line behind him like she's some soldier. You nod eyes not daring to meet him. 'He will be gone out of my life.' You think.' Then i will just have the Conrad problem.' Sighing you turn to face your parents. Your mother comes from behind your father to give you a peek on the cheek and say her goodbyes. Tears pricked her eyes as she turned to face the double doors. 'This really is like a death sentence.' You think. With one final somber glance she walks through them. "You will make our family proud y/n do you hear me." Your father says sternly. "Yes father." He takes your arm in his looking disappointedly at the badge on your hand before the both of you step through the doors.

The noise in the hall stops and all eyes are on you and your father as make your way to the large stage at the top of the room. The hall is decorated in blues and greys, blood red roses on your side of the hall and moon lilys on the Lukas'. Your eyes make their way to the stage where a group of men stand awkwardly. One specifically stands out. He's deathly pale. He's white hair was slicked back against his scalp, which if you where being honest was awful compared to the fluff cloud like style he wore in almost ever picture or portrait you seen him in. He was the only face you could focus on out of every loved one in this hall he was all your eyes would take in. He was your future. Grey eyes caught yours for a mirmoment before looking away.

It feels like forever has past when you finally reach the stage. Your father lets you go and whispers, "Do not disappoint me y/n." in your ear before talking a seat. You turn to your not so future husband and your brain seems to stop taking things in. You seem to run on auto pilot for the ceremony and the speechs. Thats until you heard someone say ' Congratulations to Conrad and y/n Lukas.' That is when the reality of the situation set in.

People started coming up to you to congratulating and say how lovely everything was. Conrad was over talking to two men on the other side of the room. They seemed to be a couple from the way the were wrappedaround each other, one who you assumed was Conrads brother Peter lukas was tall musclier with a white beard and a captains hate. The other man was shorter with salt and pepper hair,glasses and the most striking green eyes. "I hope that Elias and Peter aren't talking to him about a divorce already." Someone laughs behind you. You turn and a tall man with brown hair and the same grey eyes as your husbands faces you. "What?" You question. He smiles warmly at you. "My brother Peter Lukas and his husband or ex husband i don't know anymore, anyway him and Eliad Bouchard are divorce experts at this stage." He explains. You hum in response glancing back at the 3 men. "How rude of me. I am Aaron Lukas. And judging by the white clothing you must be Y/n L/n." Aaron extends a hand and you take it. He seems nice but thought there were only four Lukas sons. "I thought there were only four Lukas brothers. Peter, Conrad, Evan and Nathaniel." You ask, Aaron laughs. "If my mother had her way it would be three but Evan is too well known as you know. I live with relatives. I lack the 'true Lukas spirt.' Or well thats what they say. Now if you'll excuse me i would like to talk to my brother. Lovely meeting. And good luck with the family." He winks and disappears.

You wander through the guests trying to find a familiar face that isn't some family member saying how proud they are. Taking a glass of champion from a passing tray you hear someone calling you. You turn to see Evan sitting at a table in the corner. You made your way over to him glad to have someone you somewhat know. You and Evan weren't exactly friends as his mother, Ms Lukas, never let her children become close with others but you got on the best the few time your family and his had to do business. "I would say congratulations but we both know this is not what either of you wanted." Evan says when you reach the table. "You can say that again. How've you been." You ask taking a seat across from. Finally its been hours atnd the fancy shoes you're wearing are taking a toll. "Good, good. Got engaged actually." You look up from adjusting your shoes. There's a big smile on his face a genuine smile one that hasn't been there for years. Until you met Aaron you always thought Evan was the odd one out with is brown hair, freckles and not being as pale as his brothers but all the Lukas had those lonely grey eyes, now with that smile on his face talking about his fiance Evans eyes looked slightly less lonely. "Congratulations Evan. I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you found away out." You smile not as big as his but a happy smile for the first time since you found out about the wedding.

The conversation continues. You both talk about life, work and how you both are doing until it falls onto Conrad somehow. "He's not bad y/n. Fuck compared to Peter and Judith he is a Saint. This family is all very fucked up. Hell we severe the lonely how can we be normal." He laughs running his fingers through his hair. "Just be careful, especially around the station. I don't need to warn you about the fears. We both know what they are capable of." Before you can respond Ms Lukas calls for everyone's attention. "Can we all meet around the table for the cake cutting then you are more then welcome to leave." "I better go. Thank you Evan. We really should meet up so text me yeah." He nods. "Congratulations and be safe." You smile before walking towards the table. "You too." He calls before you're gone.

When you reach the table there he stands, your husband, knife in hand waiting for you. "Hurry hurry." Ms Lukas rushes you up next to Conrad. He hands you the knife then stands behind you taking your hand in his. A few photo's are taken before you both cut the cake handing people slices. Finally its just you and Conrad around the cake. "Want some." You ask handing a plate in his direction. "Sure." He takes a fork from the pile and takes a bite. "Its good." He smiles offering you a fork full. You accept and take the bite. "You have butter cream on your lip. Allow me." He leans in and wipes the residue of with his thumb. "You look wonderful tonight." Whispers almost breathless. Before you can say thank you both of you lean in and your lips connect.

Small note it is really hard to find cannon material for the lukas family outside of peter and evan. Some of the stuff in this will be from the Wikipedia page and others will be made up to suit the storyline.

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